Chapter 8-- Seeing Red (cleaned)

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Luna's POV

I could hear someone whispering from Leon's office, so like the nosey Alpha female I am, I followed it.

''He's weakening Leon.'' A feminine voice came through the closed door.

''Is there anything we can do?'' I could tell Leon's voice from an hour away and he was stressed from everything that was happening around us, but he was more worried now.

''We can give her pills... but it's his choice to wake up.''

I'm not stupid; it's Aiden they're talking about! I burst straight through the door, almost knocking it off its hinges as I forced my way through the doorway.

''You're talking about Aiden right!? Why aren't I involved? He's my little brother and you're whispering about his condition in secret!?''

''Luna, calm down'' Leon reached for my arm but I shrugged him off feeling my anger and need to protect my helpless baby brother rising. Leon looked hurt but understanding which I gladly welcomed and would feel appreciative about later but there was more important things to feel right now.

''It's his choice to wake up.'' Marry Ann said from the bookcase in the far corner of the room.

''So you're saying he hasn't woken because...he doesn't want to?'' My own words stung my heart, my eyes, my body and my soul. My wolf ached for her little brother. I ached for my little brother.

Leon and Marry Ann both shared a sympathetic look and the reality of what I had said being confirmed hurt like a thousand knives. I felt tears trickle over my eyelashes and wash down my cheeks. I felt numb and my wolf was whining for our little brother.

''He might want to wake up, his wolf might too, but something is holding him back. He needs to want to wake one hundred precent with not a single doubt in his mind.''

Marry Ann rested her hands on my shoulders but I could barely feel it. My own brother didn't want to wake up? Was it my fault? Maybe when I was locked up I shouldn't have listened to them. I should have looked for him once I got out. Even if it was his lifeless body I found, I should have looked and even if he wasn’t there maybe I shouldn’t have brought him back to the camp, maybe he would have been better on his own. He survived ten years on his own, of course he was capable.

''Don't blame yourself Luna. If you hadn't have brought him here he would have died out there on his own.'' Leon reached for me but I stepped back with a disbelieving look.

''He's in a coma Leon. A coma!'' My eyes were burning with unshed tears waiting in line for their chance to escape down my face with the others that had fallen.

''He's been on his own since he was 5 Leon! We should have gone back for him! If they did that to me imagine what they did to him. He has always been the most precious thing to me! They said they killed him and they very well could have tried!'' I fell to my knees, ''Reality is so cruel.'' I whispered through my tears and sobs.

I cried for what felt like an eternity with Leon rocking me back and forth in the silence of the room that Marry Ann had left long ago to go tend to the patients in the hospital.

I'm so sorry baby brother.

The camp alert siren sounded and I have never shot up so fast in my entire life. The last time the siren needed to be sounded was the war that took my son. Sirens are only used for serious threats; anything else is usually a howl or a messenger.

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