I need advice... *inwhichdepressedemmarantsaboutabitch*

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Today, my friend Zara, told me something that made my blood boil. I wanted to tear and rip and fucking kill a bitch, but I had an exam.

Zara is like a little sister to me, she's sweet and kind and sensitive, she's brilliant. However, people are mean to her, so much so that she had resorted to self harm as escape, she's all healed up now, thankfully. Despite this, people are still being fucking piles of trash towards her!

She told me this. "Someone, (Im not gonna specify whom people know me irl here) said that I have a crush on a teacher and that I wanna go out with her!"

Immediately, big sister mode activated and I looked for the tosser who said it. Couldn't find her and I couldn't find her after school either.

But what I need advice on... Should I a) beat the shit out of the arrogant snot bag who said that, b) threaten her a lil but still scare her shitless or c) leave it, this is an absolute last resort.

I'm sick of people being bullies, and if it takes the rest of my life to stop them, so fucking be it! I'm done with people and how they treat others, I know I'm not being the bigger person for wanting to violently murder her... But, I gotta protect Zara... She means so much.

Just... *sighs* I wanted to rip her apart there and then, I've always hated her... From the start she's been a little whore who makes fun of people.... I want her to suffer like she made Zara.

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