Percico- Reunited (or something)

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(This one shot is of Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo, these characters belong to Rick Riorden, if you haven't read any of the Percy Jackson novels, or the Heroes of Olympus, I highly recommend them.)

"Don't you dare die, don't you dare die on me Jackson!" I sobbed, clutching at his blood stained shirt.

"I'm not gonna die, stupid...ow" Percy's normally bright ocean green eyes faded to to a dull colour, I felt his life slowly ebb and begin to fade. He placed a deathly pale hand to my head, running his fingers through my thick black hair, I let loose another sob, the grip he had on my hair lessened, his breathing was too shallow.

"Nico? Nico look at me..." his spoke softly, I pulled my head from his chest, hot tears still streaming down my face, I locked my eyes with his.

"Promise you'll visit me?" he asked, his eyes left mine and began studying the black sky above him, even Zeus was grieving, a large clash of thunder shook our surroundings, I stayed silent, I didn't want to visit him in the underworld, I just didn't want him to die.

"Don't speak like that, seaweed brain." I held his hand tighter in hopes that if I held him, he wouldn't disappear.

"Just, promise me, please, Nico just promise me..." he begged, trying to tighten the grip on my hand but failing, he was growing weaker and weaker, I nodded, a thin smile flashed on his tanned and bloodied face.

"I love you, so much." his breathing slowed to a stop, I just stared, waiting for any inkling that he was alive, I hoped that he was still breathing, he was gonna open his eyes and smile, saying nothing was ever wrong. Everything was still, not even the wind dared to break the silence.


3 weeks later...

I stared at his, now empty, cabin, watching the waves lap gently at the edge of it, I bit back an ugly sob, tears falling slowly as I walked towards the exit of the camp.

"Are you really leaving?" a voice behind me asked, the tone was soft, concern laced it. I turned around, facing the owner of the voice. Hazel stood there, her chocolate brown hair was tied of her face, small jewels were intertwined with it, they sparkled in the low sun light. Everyone stood behind her. Seldom looks etched on their faces. I nodded, I felt arms wrap around me, it was Hazel. I hugged her back, tightly. Soft sobs left her lips.

"Please don't go alone, take one of us with you." she begged, her voice muffled by my jacket. I held back even more tears when I pulled her away from me.

"Haze, I would love to, I would bring you all to see him again, but..." I let my voice trail off, seeing the understanding looks in their eyes.

"We understand Neeks, we'll give you time." Leo smiled brightly, they all nodded. I left the barrier, waving as the shadows consumed me, in a matter of second I was in the underworld, standing in front of my father, I gave him a thin smile, he smiled sadly. Getting up from his throne, he walked towards me, the sad smile never changing. He hugged me tightly. I started to cry, huge ugly sobs heaved at my chest, Hades hugged me tighter.

"I can't find him son, he never came here. I'm so so sorry."

*"Papà, dove si trova? Mi ha promesso, l'ho promesso. Papà, per favore lo trova."* I spoke in Italian, I sobbed in to his dark shirt, letting it soak.

*"So che mio figlio, lo so. Noi trovarlo, te lo prometto, mio ​​Nico, lo prometto."* he gently pulled me from his chest, smiling. His normally dark obsidian eyes glinted with an emotion I hadn't seen from him since he was accepted by the other Olympians. I struggled to keep a smile on my face, as my thoughts turn to Percy's, his bright white teeth would sparkle.


A few hours later...

We stood in front of the Olympians, Poseidon was no where to be found, his seat at the council was empty. I felt a prang of guilt, I hung my head, not daring to speak, I let my father take charge. He spoke directly to Zeus, ignoring the others.

"Brother, my son is broken and I can not bare to witness it, I beg of you to help me find Perseus Jackson." I watched my fathers expression, it changed when Zeus stayed silent. Anger boiled up in me.

"Why must you be so ignorant! Your brothers son is dead, his only son. How would you feel if Thalia died again?" I shouted, his gaze moved from father to me. His bright electric blue eyes conveyed little emotion, the emotion that was shown was pure hatred, towards me. I froze, my body seized up, but I continued.

"How would you feel if you lost someone you loved dearly, someone you gave your whole heart too?" I heard the other gods mutter 'that kid's insane.', 'He's going to get himself killed.', 'the kid is either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid.' I held my head high, but inside I wanted to die like Percy had.

"My brother, Perseus is not alive, he should be in your realm, I sorry my dear Nico, but there is nothing I can do to change it." I tried my hardest not to looked crestfallen, broken and unfixable. I managed a small smile and muttered something along the lines of 'thanks' but with more swears than I cared to count. For the second time to day I let the shadows cover me, wrapping tightly at my thin frame, I hoped it would work, I begged for it to work, my hope shattered as I appeared in the middle of a forest. The trees were huge, letting in little sun light, I tugged at my hair, tightly closing my eyes, I prayed, I begged to have Percy back in my arms, laughing with me, cuddling with me, but my prayers were ignored. I collapsed in the clearing I had happened to find myself in, I felt tears pool, but they did not fall, I couldn't cry again, not after everything, not after all of this.

"N-Nico?" a voice cut through the silence that I had grown accustomed to. I glance up from my position, I was currently huddled against a tree after crying for the hundredth time today. He still had that same obnoxious grin with bright white teeth, the same tanned face with burning sea green eyes and his pitch black hair hung slightly over them. He still wore the same clothes I watched him go in. A tattered and bloodied camp Half-Blood shirt with faded navy blue jeans. I ran to him, shouting out his name, the force of my hug knocked him over, we both landed on the soft, rotting leaves if the forest floor.

"Nico? How long was I gone for..?" he asked, still wrapped in my death like grip.

"Nearly a month, nearly a whole fucking month." I stopped myself, pulling from the hug, I stared at his eyes.

"Do you remember me?" I asked quickly, hoping the answer was a yes. Percy nodded, smiling widely, his sea green eyes that I had fallen in love with sparkled with several different emotions.

"Of course I do, you are Nico di Angelo, and I am deeply, deeply in love" I pounded lightly on his chest, getting the right answer.

"I am in love with you." his lips connected with mine, I sighed into the kiss, letting his hands roam around my body.

I had spoken to my father, the reason for Poseidon's absence was that he was saving his son, protecting him, giving him back to the ones who loved him most. We celebrated when we arrived back to camp, Percy was swarmed with questions, surprisingly so was I, mainly from the Aphrodite kids, asking of the Percico ship had 'sailed', whenever I was asked this, I would blush and nod. Everything was perfect again. At least for awhile.


Hello, so this is my my OTP, I just realised that nearly all of my ships are for two...holy hera do I need a life. So enjoy my gay ships~Ember.

I didn't put the translations in for the conversation Nico had with Hades.

*"Papa, where is he? He promised me, I promised him. Papa, please find him."* Nico to Hades.

*"I know my son, I know. We will find him, I promise you, my Nico, I promise."* Hades' reply.

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