PewDieCry- Mistake (or Mental.)

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"Stay away! Just get away from me!" he shouted, cornered in a torn and trashed room, but still the men in white coats pushed through the mess of broken glass, ceramic shards, broken wood and parts of a torn mattress.

"Please...please stay away." his voice lowered to a faint whisper, his pleas were ignored as arms wrapped around him, restraining him as a needle pierced his pale skin.

"Hush now, you won't feel a thing." a distorted voice called out, a blurry smile on his face.

---- Flashback ----

"Fe? Felix, where are you?" Someone called out, their voice echoing around the almost empty house. Felix had shut himself away, his whole body shaking in fear, the dark and bloody visions never left him, every time his eyes would start to close the blood seeped in again. The echoing of footsteps stopped just behind his door.

"Felix, honey?" hearing this voice would normally calm Felix, but fear remained strong, gentle knocking caused Felix to jump and squeal.

"You know who I am, right?" the voice called out again, worry and a hint of fear tinting the words.

"Y-yes," his voice shook as much as his hands, he whimpered and felt more hot tears fall, but he began speaking again. "You're Cry, a-and I love y-you." Felix stuttered, his rapid breathing had just started to slow as the door opened, revealing Cry, his tanned skin illuminated by the hallway light, the almost faint small scars seemed white against his olive skin, the frown on Felix's face deepened, he had been the cause of those scars, the bruises and cuts that were hidden by clothes, while he would never, in his entire life, raise one finger to Cry, the stories behind this thin scars were different, when ever Felix had an 'episode' he would lash out and hit the nearest thing, smashing the next nearest thing in to it. Cry looked just as much as a mess as Felix did, caring for someone who had delusions and out breaks of pure unadulterated violence can take its toll on someone just as fragile. Felix began to shake again, his eyelids drooping dangerously low, Cry ran forward, ignoring the shards of what was a bedside lamp that dug into his legs, causing blood to escape.

"It's okay, it's alright, I'm here and you're safe..." he cooed as he ran a thumb across Felix's blood and tear stained cheek, a faint smile played on Cry's lips and Felix pushed into his touch.

"Make it stop, please." Felix whimpered as Cry carefully wrapped his arms around the shaking figure before him.

"I can't, but I know people who can." Felix pushed Cry away, with more force than he actually intended.

"Y-you're sending me away... I- no, don't leave me please." the tears that had stopped started to fall again, his parents had done this, not to save Felix but to get rid of him.

"Fe... It's for the best, you'll be safe and so will I, I wouldn't leave you if the world was going to end." Cry gently placed his hand on Felix's arm, noticing the fresh blood, he carefully turned the arms, thick jagged cuts, dark purple bruises and scratch marks littered them.

"T-the voices stop, they quiet down... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." fresh tears fell, Felix hoped that when Cry 'leaves' mine he won't have anymore tears to cry.

---- end of flashback ----

Felix watched as the pale liquid from the syringe was pumped under his skin, he felt his body, against his will, become weak and lifeless, his pulse slowing untill it reached a stop. He took his final breath restrained to a cold, filthy metal table, thick leather straps digging into his flesh, he died afraid and alone, he died because of who he was...

---- 1 week later ---- Cry's POV.

I watched his casket be lowered into the ground, I had broken my promise to him and I had failed him, like everyone else in his broken life. They buried him quickly, ignoring all the 'special' formalities of a classic funeral, the only few people who were there was me, his elder sister, her husband and a few ex-patients of the mental institution I sent him to. It began to rain as the few people here left, not before giving their condolences. I reached into my suit pocket, pulling out a crudely handwritten letter, knowing he would never read it himself, I read it out loud.

"Dear sweetest Felix. I realise my mistake and I'm so sorry I didn't realise it sooner, soon enough to save you. My biggest fear was that you were going to change, the person you were was going to be destroyed by what you'd become. But it was those trying to save you that destroyed you. I should've been there to stop them." I heard my voice break, tears fell on to the tattered piece of paper. "I broke my promise and I left you, I was so sacred of what you could do, how much damage you had caused yourself. I was the one to break you, to make you like this. I wish I was there to save you, I wish I was in your place, I never knew how broken you were and now that you're gone, I will never know. I never got to say this, but..." I stopped myself as my heart broke and shattered. Pain bloomed in my chest, a pain so string I was sure I was going to die and I welcomed it.


So... A bit confusing and stuff... And sad, it made my eyes water while writing it. So FlorentiGammaRay I hope you like it, also I would like to say a massive thank you ti my good friend RiRiLouis for helping me with Cry's letter. ~Ember.

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