Ereri- White Blank Page (song-shot)

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Ereri one shot based on Mumford and Sons 'White Blank Page' which I absolutely adore, this band is probably the best British band since the Beatles (my own fucking opinion!!)
Medieval AU (I guess? Kings and shit)


I was nothing but a lowly peasant, a servant to a brilliant King, his kind wife and his only daughter. Over a month ago, I had met a man, with dazzling forest green eyes, an equally amazing smile and the kindest of hearts. Before I knew it, I had fallen in love, something so forbidden that the penalty was death. Neither of us cared, how could we? We were blinded by love, well.. I was.

Can you lie next to her,
And give her your heart, your heart,
As well as your body,
And can you lie next to her.
And confess your love, your love,
As well as your folly.
And can you kneel before the king,
And say I'm clean, I'm clean.

That's when he told me of her, the fondness in his voice told me it was over, I was not match for her.

She was a princess while I barely scraped by with my bad pay. It wasn't until she came to me, her eyes wide with joy and happiness. 

"Levi! I need your help," I stopped sweeping, my eyebrows raised as she gripped my shoulders tight.

"With what, Princess Mikasa." (y'all saw that coming.) Her dark eyes, normally bored and dull, glowed with admiration, yet I knew it wasn't for me. I knew who she loved.

"A prince!" Her smile grew wide, my heart dropped. "From a neighboring  Kingdom is looking for a wife." she suddenly went quite, my heart just seconds away from laying torn and bloodied, I glared at the blush that formed on her naturally pale cheeks. "Levi... I think I love Prince Eren." My heart snapped, it broke and shattered, and the piece were being trampled on by them. Eren, the boy I had fallen for, wasn't mine, his heart belonged to someone else.

Half a year into Eren's stay, he had deserted me. Only to run into the awaiting princess. He wanted her hand, and the king gladly gave her away. I stood, my body numb, the trembling had stopped, the anger gone and now replaced with an undying hatred for Eren. I watched, tears welling as he knelt and confessed to the king. He spoke, the words never reaching my ears even though I knew them. The king nodded, approving his new family member. As soon as he stood, Mikasa had her arms around him, their lips locked.

Tell me now, where was my fault,
In loving you with my whole heart.
Oh tell me now where was my fault,
In loving you with my whole heart.

I had pleaded, every moment I had alone with Eren, what did I do wrong? Where was the fault that drove him away from me? Was I too clingy?!? Did I love too much?!? But, as always, I was brushed away. Ignored by the one person I loved the most.

A white blank page and a swelling rage.
You did not think when you sent me to the brink, to the brink.
You desired my attention but denied my affections, my affections.

I stared at the letter, the hand writing incredibly neat despite how much I shook as the words found their way to the tattered paper. All it would take was a letter, a letter confessing the "relationship" me and Eren shared. A letter speaking about the sin the prince had committed with a commoner. As soon as the king knew, Eren would be punished, for loving a man. I knew Eren didn't mean for this, I knew that he didn't care, nor did he think of my feelings of pure affection towards him. All he wanted was company, not a lover, and certainly not me.

Lead me to the truth and I,
Will follow you with my whole heart.
Lead me to the truth and I,
Will follow you with my whole heart.

If Eren had said, if he had just told me the truth, that he didn't love me truly, I still would've stayed. I stares at the happy couple, the King- the retired worn old man- glared daggers at me. The letter was useless.

But, if Eren had spoken truthfully, I would've given him my whole life.

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