Snund- War Hero.

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"We, who have seen war, never stop seeing it." - unknown.


I fiddled with the dog tags that hung around my neck loosely, I felt tears prickle at my eyes as my thoughts turn to him. The last moment I spoke to him, the last time I saw him smile, laugh and cry all in one, I held back a sob as I was called up to a podium, I walked slowly, still fingering the necklace, when I got there, I looked out to all my friends, my family and his own. The tears started falling as I began to speak.

"He, he was something else, someone different. He would never back down from a fight, or even start one without reason. He was a protecter, he looked out for all of us." I heard sobbing, most likely from his poor mother. I continued "When I, I lost my way, he was the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel, he was my goddamn saviour, and its all my fault..." the grip I had on the wooden podium tightened, my knuckles turning white as fresh tears formed and fell. I felt someone standing beside me, most likely a friend, they carefully placed their arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug, I sobbed into their shoulder, soaking their shirt with salty tears. They lead me back to my seat, still hugging me as the funeral went on. Throughout it all I felt numb, like I had lost an important part of my self, a part of my heart. I just wanted to see him again, something I begged for when I first heard he had gone, I won't say he's dead, he can't die...he loves me far too much for him to just disappear. Everyone spoke, his brothers and sisters, his father and even his mother managed more words than I had, friends spoke highly of him, saying he was someone they would give their life just to save his, why didn't they? Why didn't they die instead of him? I don't need them like I needed him, now, without him, I'm nothing. I didn't get to see him one last time, they said he was beyond recognition, only his dog tags told them who he was, we stood outside as his coffin was lowered in to the cold ground, left to rot alone, left to be alone, like me...I left, heading back to my home, I have to call it that, we don't share anything anymore for he no longer exists, I wish I had taken his place, went to fight for my country, to protect my lived ones. The drive home was quiet, I never turned the radio on, I was too afraid incase I heard a song we used to sing, or tried to sing. I smile at the memory but quickly lose it as I pull up in the driveway, someone stood at the doorway, protecting themself from the harsh rain. Fucking asshole, I stopped the car and got out, storming over to the tramp that stood in my doorway.

"Listen here sir, I would highly fucking appreciate it if you moved your bum ass of my porch!" I shouted over the sound of thunder, the man moved slightly, facing me.

"Dear, have you forgotten me already?" a deep voice called out, I knew who it was straight away, I ran to him, wrapping him in a tight hug, muttering "I thought you died." and "You bastard, don't leave me again!" I cried as he hugged back, I could actually feel him, I felt him breathe.

"I missed you so fucking much, I wanted to come home sooner, but..." his smooth voice broke, cracking at the end. My mind ran a hundred miles a minute, thinking about what he had seen, how many friends he had lost, how many people he had to...

"Its okay, its okay, lets just get inside, please don't cry." I reluctantly pull from the hug, digging into my pockets from my keys, I found them and inserted them in to the brass lock, a soft clicking sound filled my ears and the door opened. Pushing my way in, I pull him in too. A loud thunder clap shook our home, he stiffened in my grip.

"It sounds like the bombs they used..." his voice was soft, and he sounded so scared, so scarred. I intertwined our fingers, trying to give him some comfort, some sort of happiness.

"Shh, its alright. At least you're home." I said as I pulled him in to our bedroom, our bedroom not just mine, it was ours again. We laid down, just studying each others faces, taking every detail in that we had missed over the past year. He looked older, more worn, more...broken.

"I love you, so much, I never thought you had died." I said quietly, a small smile on my face as he tenderly placed his hand on my face, brushing my dark curls of my forehead.

"I'm glad you didn't, I love you so much too." he started crying, his light blue eyes turning a shade darker, another thunderclap shook the house, it sounded closer, he shook in fear, I moved closer, he sobbed into my shirt, gripping it tightly. To see someone who was once strong, brave and undefeatable be quivering in fear during a thunderstorm breaks even the strongest of hearts, I felt mine snap as he mumbled words about fallen friends to IEDs and gunshots...he was so broken. A few moments later soft snores left his lips, but the frightful look on his face still remained. I didn't want to move, to move would break the reality where I had him in my arms. I have him back. I have him safe, safe in my arms, safe in our home... I have my Snake back.


Hey, I have just broken my own feels writing this, but sad one-shots are the best one-shots. Hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry if you have broken feels too ~Ember :3

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