KageHina- Sick

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lovesick!Kageyama ft. actuallysick!Hinata (i love these two. I tried. I'm sorry)


Hinata was sick, sick enough that school was a no, his limbs were heavy and sore. Every movement hurt. The first day Hinata missed, Kageyama showed up at his door, an indifferent look on his face, his cheeks slightly red. When Hinata opened the door and sneezed, he was sure Kageyama jumped several feet backwards.
"'m sick." Hinata coughed, his body shaking from the force of it.
"So..?" Kageyama seemed honestly so confused.
"So no school 'til 'm better, idiot." Kageyama nodded, he began to walk away before he stilled.
"That means no volleyball either right?" The disappointment in Kageyama's was slight, but heavy enough for Hinata to feel  guilty as he nodded.
"Get well soon Hinata." Kageyama quickly walked away, speed increasing when Hinata sneezed again. A few days later, whatever Hinata had, had him bedridden. Everyone else was out, leaving Hinata to deal with anyone how knocked the door. When the door knocked, Hinata struggled to sit up, he concluded if it was important they would keep knocking, or go away. The knocking continued, getting louder and more frustrated.
"Hinata?" Kageyama called out, Hinata forced himself up, groaning with the effort. He was ready to scream as he opened the door, mainly at the fact that Kageyama seemed to ignore that whatever Hinata had, was probably contagious.
"I... I got some work sheets, so you won't fall behind." Kageyama held out a thin wad of paper. Hinata smiled as he took the sheets, hot flustered fingertips brushing against Kageyama's cold ones.
"Thank you." Hinata's smile faltered, a wave of nausea hit him. Whatever food he had managed to keep down churned in his weak stomach. His stomach flipped, he was going to be sick, he was sure.
"Hinata... A-are you okay?" Kageyama looked ready to sprint away, Hinata nodded quickly, only adding fuel to his weak as hell stomach. He felt the horrid taste rise into his throat. His eyes watered as he backed away, Kageyama stared, confusion clear on his face. Hinata ran, as fast as his numb legs could, rushing into the bathroom and emptying his stomach. Groaning, he forced himself upright, flushing the toilet and padding his way back to the front door, only to find it shut and Kageyama gone. A week, it had been a week and it had only gotten worse. So much so that it had forced Hinata to be bundled in his room, snotty tissues everywhere. He heard the door being knocked, Natsu open it and someone enter the house, the voice muffled. And then, a soft gentle knock on his bedroom door, he rolled over, groaning and nuzzled deeper into his bed.
"Hinata? Oi, i know you're awake." Hinata whined as Kageyama stepped in, muttering an apology before sitting on the edge of Hinata's bed, from here, strangely, Hinata could feel Kageyama's warmth, and it made him feel so much better already. Hinata's speech was heavy and thick with sleep, his voice almost nonexistent. When he tried to speak, he mumbled.
"...-wn please." Hinata tried again when Kageyama rolled his eyes, the eye roll near enough audible. "Lie down please." Hinata felt the bed dip beside him, and Kageyama's bored eyes glared at him. For a second, or maybe longer concern flashed on his face when he made eye contact, seeing normally bright eyes become dull at a slight cold wasn't at all reassuring.
"Now what?" Hinata shushed him, closing his eyes and moving closer to Kageyama's, his hair brushed against his chin.
"We sleep..." Hinata fell asleep as soon as his eyes closed, the warmth from Kageyama helped, greatly. He nuzzled closer, feeling better already. Kageyama seemed comfortable, he settled quickly and felt tired, unconsciously, he felt his hand search out Hinata's, carefully and slowly slipping his hand into Hinata's clammy and flustered one. He felt his heart swell when Hinata tightened his grip, seeming to melt at his touch.
"I... Sh..." Hinata strained his ears, struggling to hear what Kageyama was saying, Kageyama sighed, his stomach flipped and the butterflies got worse. Kageyama took a deep breath, struggling to keep his mind clear and heart steady.
"S-Shoyo... I- I think I l... I love you." Hinata's heart jumped into his throat, sleep clouded his mind, he wasn't sure how to reply, if he should reply even. Kageyama sighed again, shuffling, he reluctantly let go of Hinata's hand, rolling away to get up and leave, unknowing that his confession was heard. Before Hinata could speak, or even open his eyes a soft kiss was placed on his cheek. And that was when he fell completely asleep. Unable to stop him, Kageyama left.

*"i love you too idiot."*

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