Snund - Back Home

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GrrrrAddie has suggested some Snund... It's been awhile and I might be rusty but enjoy.


-Minor dirty scenes- (what am I doing with my life?)

He straddled me, his hands running the length of my chest, a sly and cocky smile plastered on his blushing face. My hands rested on his small hips.

"I missed you..." his smile widened as my eyes locked with his soft dirt brown ones.

"I missed you too. I missed us." I broke out into a grin. He moved forward, his lips capturing mine, a soft moan left his lips as I ran my hand across the small of his back, playing with the waistband of his boxers. He grinded against me, causing me to gasp.

"Fuck... Scott when did this happen?" I asked out of breath, he let out a breathy laugh and continued grinding.

"Just...mmm." his hands untangled themselves from my hair, running down my sides and under my boxers.


My eyes snapped open, darting erratically around my almost pitch black room, a few rays from the early morning seeped in. I wearily ran my hand through my hair, sighing loudly as I sat up.

"Holy fuck..." I let myself slump, only a month into Junds leave and I'm already a mess. I rolled out of bed, reluctant for what I had planned for the day, heading to the bathroom I tripped up something, a small bright white envelope with the nearest writing ever written on was laid on the floor, I picked it up, carefully opening it so I wouldn't tear the paper.

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Dear Snake (or asshole)

Hey, long time no see, right? Anyway, I just wanted to say I missed you, and honestly I still do. I should be back soon, they could be letting us home soon! I could be home within the week, possibly so don't wait up for me. I love you and I cant wait to return, to see you smile, laugh and be grumpy when I wake you up from your naps.

With all my heart and more

Jund. (open the door at 2pm on 21st August, Love you!)

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I shot a glance at the bedside clock, the flaring bright red numbers read 12:45pm, I had enough time to shower, get dressed and to eat something before 2. I had enough time till I saw him again, I rushed to the shower, letting the water warm up before stepping in. A smile crept on my face as the memories me and Jund shared ran through my mind, the one time he made the mistake of waking me up, I held him in a choke hold for about five minutes before he actually apologized. I laughed at the memory, then it all turned bittersweet, what if when I open that door, he's not there, and the letter I found was just nothing. I sighed, washing the shampoo out of my hair and turning the shower off. I stepped out and dried myself with a nearby towel. I forces myself to smile when I caught my reflection in a clouded mirror, but the frown still stayed, just like the negative thoughts. I walked back into my room, taking a quick glance at the clock, shit 1:45pm I spent a hour reminiscing... Fuck, I grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans, quickly pulling them on and stumbling down the stairs. Running from the stairs straight to my right I found myself in the kitchen, I was met with a mass of dirty dishes, cups and cutlery and mould from food way back when.

"You have gotta-" I was interrupted by rapid banging at the door, the door started to shake and rattle. I walked over, listen to the knocks, faint muttering could be heard, it sounded familiar. I pulled the door open, to only to be hit in the chest full pelt by a balled up fist.

"Ouch..." I looked down at the mop of darkened curls, that most time were constantly messy and thrown about his face, the mop if curls moved to look up, scared dark brown, with darker flecks of black stared at me before softening. The same cocky grin found its way on ti his face and his eyes brighten.

"'bout time!" he shouted, wrapping his arms tightly around me, for the whole experience I couldn't believe it. He pulled back, but his arms still around me.

"You're not hugging back... Why aren't you hugging back?" a frown settled across his features, his eyebrow furrowed and lips pursed. My arms begin to buzz as I slowly wrapped them around his smaller frame. I pulled him close and held tightly.

"I don't believe it..." I held him even tighter, a soft whimper left his lips.

"Snake... Crushing me... Can't breathe." he mumbled as I slackened my grip, apologising as he smiled."I'm finally back home!" Jund buried his head into my chest, he started to cry, my shirt feeling wet, and so did my cheeks.


Sorry for the shitty ending... Its 1am where I live and I can't really sleep so I'm gonna start on that Ereri oneshot... Bleh~Emberreallyneedstogettobed

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