Crycest- Best present ever.

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(A/N so its Crys birthday and I have no idea what I was going with this, it was written over bout four days, I think so, Erm yeah enjoy as always~Ember)

"Cry" my name was drawn out, his voice echoed in my head, I sighed. When will I be left alone.

"What Mad?" I replied mentally, laying down on my couch.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" he shouted, making me wince in pain.

"Has it been a whole year?" I said sarcastically. Mad was not one for sarcasm.

"Haha, real funny! I have a present for you!" Huh, Mad wasn't one for presents either. I wondered what he had gotten me.

"Mad what have you done?" fear running through my mind, has he killed someone? Someone I loved?

"Heh, I thought you thought better of me, especially after meeting that pretty lady, what was her name?" he sounded hurt.

"Stop it." I needed to forget. "What have you got me?" I changed the subject.

"You'll have to wait for it, friend." I heard excitement and a hint of a smile in his voice.

"Now I'm scared, is it bad?" I said with fake worry, I heard him laugh, it sounded like mine but more crazier, and his voice was too like mine only with less sanity.

"You gotta wait." I could heard his smile get wider.

"I don't like waiting, you of all people should know that!" I sighed, he didn't answer at all, I glanced at my clock, it was late, I yawned and left the couch, I headed to my bedroom, I fell face first on to my bed, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

*The next day*

I had tried to talk to Mad, but he wouldn't talk, I was worried he was up to something. I was bored, so video games came to my mind.

"Pewds, what are you doing?" I watched in horror and slight amusement as his character slid across the floor, he was laughing and I joined in.

"Help me Cry, help me..." he said through laughter, his thick Swedish accent echoed through my headset. A loud knock came from my front door, I excused myself from the game and left Pewdie laughing.

I walked from my room and to my from door. I opened it and stared at the man in front of me. I froze.

"Hey." He said. His soft brown hair was long and had dark red highlights, his eyes were a dark red, much like dried blood. They were hypnotic. His voice was smooth. I couldn't speak, let alone move.

"Happy birthday?" Mad stood in front of me, wearing a dark green hoodie and faded black jeans with boots.

"How did you...why did you...when did you?" I struggled to find the right words.

"It was easy, I wanted to personally say happy birthday and while you were asleep." he said smiling, I didn't know what to think, I didn't have control over my body, I felt like I was watching from someone elses point of view, I watched myself hug Mad, I watched as he stiffened and looked shocked before he hugged me back. The whole time I hugged him I was having a out of body experience. He smelt coppery and metallic. I heard a loud explosion come from my computer, shit I forgot about Pewds. I pulled from the hug and pulled Mad in, shutting the door behind him, I ran to the computer.

"Where did you disappear to?" he asked, his breathing finally evened out, fuck what am I gonna say.

"Erm, I'd hate to cut this short, but I have a guest and its, er..." my voice trailed off as I struggled to find the right words.

"Dude, go. Don't worry about it!" he smiled, I smiled back as I closed the game and Skype down. I walked back to Mad, who was laid out on the couch.

"Make yourself at home." I said, my tone thick with sarcasm. He frowned.

"I'm a guest don't be mean!" he sat up and made enough room for me to sit.

"What did you get me for my birthday?" I asked after an awkward silence, a large smile spread across his face, I took a shaky breath, my mind wondered what he had done or what was going to do.

"Close your eyes and no peeking." I did as I was told, I heard Mad get up and stop right infront of me. I froze as I felt him come closer, his breath minty and hot. I felt blood rush to my face. I felt his lips against mine, soft and moist. I kissed back, fighting what my brain was yelling at me. His hands intertwined in my hair, and mine on his shoulders. His tongue ran across my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I let him, moaning as his tongue explored my mouth. He pulled away making me whimper at the loss of his warmth. A large smile, along with a blush was on his face.

"Happy birthday Cry." He kissed me again.

Best. Present. Ever.

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