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So. I have a lil thing to share with you guys. Its really short. Bug made me fucking pissed to the point that i wanted to slam their ass into the marble floor.

me: *is on phone looking at some websites*

friend: What'cha doing?

me: looking for chest binders. Cant find much.

friend: oh *looks square at my chest* there's not much point.

friend: your boobs are huuuge! There's no point in trying.

me: well i co-

friend: dont bother looking. They wont have anything to "cover" you up.

how. How could someone say that. To tell me i shouldn't try bc my 'huge' boobs will get in the way. Like. Wtf is wrong with you. My breasts aren't that big, I'm a g cup. Fuck you. You and your lil pissass ideas can go get fucked by a fucking whale.

why cant you be nice and say you'll help me. Like. Fuck sakes let me be happy for once.

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