PewDieCry- Unforgettable.

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I woke up, my heart pounding in my chest, tears threatened to fall, my brain was playing a horrid trick on me, I had lost him so long ago, we were heading home from a gaming convention, laughing all the way there and all the way back, then everything went weightless and black. A head on collision killed him upon impact, he died feeling nothing. I pulled back the thin blanket that was damp with sweat from the heat of Florida. I stood slowly, letting my legs get used to the weight, once I had stopped swaying I walked to my bathroom, flicking the light switch on.

"God, I look awful..." I muttered to myself as I stared at my reflection. Large dark bags hung under my eyes, my normally tanned skin had turned white, a sickly pale colour. My brownish hair was a mess, the limp and lifeless strands stuck-up at odd angles. All in all I looked dead, the outside of me reflected the inside of me. For five years, five whole fucking years I looked like this, the day he died I died too. I was numbly aware that my phone was ringing, I trudged from the bathroom to my bedroom, my phone lit up and flashed, tell me someone was ringing.

"Hey." The voice called out as I hit the answer button, it was Scott.

"Hey, Cry are you feeling alright?" I couldn't tell if the concern that laced his voice was real or as fake as my smile.


"Cry... Do you want one of us over? I'll be down in a bit, wai-" I cut him off.

"Scott, I just want to be alone, just for today. Please."

He huffed in annoyance, muttering a fine before saying goodbye. I threw my phone back on my bed and searched for clothes. After an hour I was dressed and heading out the door, I drove to the cemetery where Felix laid. I stood in front of his grave, studying all the flowers left for him, a sombre smile forced its way onto my face. I suddenly felt a cold and clammy twist in my stomach, but pushed it aside.

"Hey," I sat down on the wet grass beside him. "Five years, right?.. I was never good at remembering, was I?" I waited for a reply I thought I would never get, but I did.

"Five years is right, you almost always forgot things. Remember the time you forgot how to tie your shoes so you stopped wearing them for a week." I heard laughter that sounded, to me, heavenly, I looked behind me quickly, staring at the figure who stood behind me. His blond hair was messy, his icy blue eyes held nothing but happiness and his smile could make the sun look dim (much cliché). He wore a blood stained shirt and bloodied jeans, although the stains were faint I knew they were there. I stood with shaky legs, they failed to hold my weight and I fell, falling right towards the man I thought was long dead. He caught me, gently placing his arms around me. He was cold like ice, his skin held a light blue tinge.

" are you here?" I just managed to get the words out of my mouth, shock was setting in, I felt as though I was going to be sick.

"I don't know and I don't care, because I get to see you again." his blue eyes filled with tears, some spilling down his cheek, he pulled me up and brushed his lips against mine before closing the space between us, I felt my heart pound against my rib cage, threatening to burst out, my eyes lids fluttered shut, before a bright white light flooded my vision, voices became audible, soft muttering and half sobs. The white light dimmed enough so I could open my eyes, I was greeted by faces I knew but couldn't place and a white ceiling.

"Tell a nurse that's he's awake...go now!" a face with dark curly hair and brown eyes moved away, their footsteps going faint as they left the room. "Hey... Cry how are you feeling?" the same voice who spoke before spoke again, it was female and laced with worry.

"W-what happened." my throat hurt, it burned. I struggled to sit up, every limb hurt, ached and burned, someone helped me sit up and passed me a cup of water, I downed the drink quickly, feeling the cold liquid soothe my burning throat.

"You, er. Cry you tried to..." the voice trailed off, realisation hit me like a brick wall. I had tried to kill myself. My blurry vision cleared and I recognized the faces. Red and Russ stood around me, I'm guessing Scott was the one to disappear. A nurse appeared a few seconds later, a doctor trailing behind her. They explained that I was technically dead for a few minutes, and in those few minutes I had been reunited with him. In those few minutes I felt happy, scared, confused and horrified all at once. In those few minutes I had accepted that he was gone but he would never be forgotten.


I found this on my phone, I'd forgotten that I even wrote this .

*suddenly realised all the Pewdiecry is depressing*

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