Eremin- Best friend.

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Falling in love with your best friend is, I guess it's clichéd to say the least. Everyone thinks its overly romantic, and that'll instantly hit it off. But, in truth, it hurts. It hurts knowing that even if you do confess you'll lose more than just a crush, you'll lose your best friend, someone who's like family. I, unfortunately, watched my best friend fall in love, in love with someone who wasn't me. I gave him advice, I told him ideas for dates I wanted *us to have. Levi, was the boy who had stolen him from me, he had stolen Eren from me. They were a fairly good match, their often abrasive personalities matched each other to a tee. You're probably wondering how much I hate myself for not confessing, I didn't. I knew before long, the relationship they had would be over. Levi was seeing someone behind Eren's back, like the scheming conniving little midget his was, but I didn't say anything, like hell I would. Seeing Eren laughing with someone *he loved was all I needed to get by. I didn't expect it to last through out the end of our school years, but it did, eventually Levi stopped seeing someone behind his back, Eren being none the wiser. I hadn't expected Levi to drop to his knee on Eren's 21st birthday and confess his eternal love and place a ring on his finger. It hurt to watch Eren's life from the side lines, I watch him father *(well foster-father) two amazing children with Levi at his side. It hurt to watch his near perfect relationship break down. Eren spent more night huddled on my sofa than he did with his oh so loving husband. The amount of times I wanted to scream at Eren, calling him an idiot for ruining the relationship I wanted but could never have, but I kept my lips shut. Ignoring the berating words that echoed around my brain and forced a smile when I saw Eren back with Levi.

On my 25th birthday, I planned to spend the night alone. It wasn't that I didn't have friends, I liked being alone more. The knocking at my door didn't really surprise me, Eren said a few days beforehand that he would be dropping presents off. What did surprise me, was when I opened the door. Eren wasn't there with his children. He stood there drenched from heavy rain that still continued to fall, his body shook with anger.

"He's gone." His voice didn't sound like his, it sounded too broken "He took everything, even the kids." Listening to how broken Eren was made me want to cry, he fell forward into my arms, sobbing. All I could do was hold him, run my fingers through his hair and tell him Levi wasn't worth his tears. When Eren had finally calmed down, he had passed out, exhaustion and hurt were to blame.

Finally, I had what I wanted, Eren in my arms. He held onto me as if I was going to up and run from him like everyone else in his life. I wouldn't dare leave him. Somehow I had managed to pull him to my bed, letting him fall into the soft warm duvet, before I could walk away, his hand latched onto him.

"Stay." Even though he spoke only one word, I knew that all the emotions he poured into it tried to speak thousands. I did stay, I let him wrap his arms around me tightly as I settled in for bed, I let his lazy and sleepy fingers knot and pull at my hair as he grew comfortable. When I was sure that he had fallen asleep, I uttered three words that could've broken him.

"I love you." I pulled him closer and let sleep consume me.

I woke to warmth, something that I needed and wanted to wake up to. A soft hand brushed against my cheek.

"Armin. Are you awake?" Eren's voice was soft, loving and everything I wished I had since I was twelve. I nodded, slowly opening my eyes to see deep thoughtful ocean green. Eren was leaning over me, his knees locking my legs in place and his hands either side of my face. Our noses almost touching. As much as I wanted- *no, *needed I knew that Eren was doing this just to spite Levi. He lowered himself, his lips just brushing against min before I closed the gap, the instant our lips touched, I felt as though my body was on fire. I wanted Eren.

I had never felt so many emotions with anyone like this, I wanted this so bad, even though Eren wasn't doing it because he wanted me too, he deepened the kiss, a warm hand traveled down my chest, pushing up my shirt and finger tips tan against my skin. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him impossibly close. If it was to happen. It had to happen properly.

*author-chama cant smut. Sorry :3*

We came down from our highs, my chest heaving. I didn't realise how much I needed that, despite the pain that blossomed in my hips. I was so happy. Eren had wondered off, in my delirious state, I couldn't really remember, I think he went to make drinks?

My thoughts were confirmed when a cup of steaming hot chocolate was placed on my bedside table. Eren sat beside me, now with boxer shorts on.

"Armin," He began, his voice shaky and nervous, I was ready for whatever spilled from his mouth. "I'm so so sorry! I didn't even ask if you- Shit! Levi's gonna k-" Eren stopped, even from my lazy position, spread-eagled on the bed, I could see that he tensed up.

"It's fine Eren." I bit my lip, trying and failing to not say the next words. "I love you..." They came out in a form of a sob. In an instant I wanted those words gone, I wish I had never even said them. Ever.

"Huh? Armin I-" I continued, ignoring Eren despite the intense moment of intimacy we shared only moments before.

"Ive loved you for nearly fourteen years. It hurt to see you fall in love with someone else! I wanted you to myself, but I knew that you love- loved *him." I struggled to keep the hatred from my voice as his face flashed in my mind.

"I... I had no idea, Ar." Eren's voice was even, but his body shock. I struggled to move, slowly and rather painfully I sat up.

"Then you just had to fuck me. You did it just to spi-" my words stopped as lips met mine, widened eyes fluttered close as I melted into the kiss.

"I love you too."


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