Ereri- {tumblr prompt}

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I found your dog wondering the streets and i thought i should come over and return him AU
It was late at night, or early morning. Eren wasn't sure, but either way, the sun hadn't risen yet and the streets were pretty much deserted. He wasn't sure why he had gone out, hell, he wasn't sure who was following him but something was. And it was making Eren uneasy. He stopped just before an alley way, too terrified to continue. The bushes behind him rustled, the noise made Eren's heart beat quicker, and then. A very small Jack Russell jumped out, its tail wagging madly as it bounded over to Eren. Running around his legs, jumping up to lick at his hands.
"Hey buddy," Eren knelt down, picking the dog up and looked at its collar.
"Idiot" was boldly engraved on a small metal disk, that hung from the dogs black collar, poor dog. What kind of person would name such a sweet animal that name.
"Hey... Idiot?" The dog settled into Eren's arms, burying itself into Eren's warm jacket. Eren turned the disk over, seeing the address neatly on the other side he made his way over there. He was sure that Idiot had fallen fast asleep in his arms, as the dog grew still and its breathing slowed.
"Holy shit balls" Eren found himself near a home, a man stood at the door, dishevelled hair and a pair of tattered shoes on his feet. A thick coat was wrapped around him as he fiddled with the door.
"Oi! Are you looking for Idiot?" Eren felt stupid for calling out the dogs damned name. The man stiffened, before he turned around, tired narrowed eyes glared at Eren.
"What if I am, brat?"  Eren wanted to run, this man did not look friendly, Eren struggled to get the words out of his mouth before Idiot jumped from his arms and bounded up the short steps to the scary man.
"Is... Is he your dog?" The man picked Idiot up, holding him close and tight.
"Yeah. He went missing while i was at work. I've been looking for him all night." All night? Wow. Eren felt a little sad, that dog had been out in the cold for the majority of the night, poor thing.
"Here." He came down the steps, digging though his coat pocket for something.
"Your reward, kid." He held out a twenty pound note before shoving it into Eren's cold hands.
"Ah, you don't have to-" Eren wanted to hand the money back, to say it was no trouble but the man stopped him.
"You'll accept it no matter what. I'm Levi." Levi held out his hand, letting Eren stare at it before they shook hands.
"I'm Eren." Levi nodded, Idiot seemed comfortable in Levi's hands, he was sleeping again.
"Thank you for bring my dog home."

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