Ereri - Blue and Grey

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This was requested by @luvme-123 and @epic_turtle_0623, because I apparently write Ereri well, which I don't think I do... Anyway I was given the idea from a friend of mine called @CowKarma, I thank her for it because I would of failed epically without it so thank you


Everything weighed Eren's shoulders down. The metaphorical back ache grew more and more painful, the thought of death became more and more welcoming, the thought of all of his worries falling of his shoulders made him happy, a emotion that he hadn't encountered in a long time.

"What are you smiling at brat?" the stone cold and emotionless voice drilled its way into Eren skull. The harsh and sudden realisation hit Eren, he sat in a bed, one that dug and clawed at your skin, in a filthy, dank and dark basement, chained to the wall. The smile faded and sadness drowned him in its suffocating darkness.

"Nothing... Captain." Eren forced the broken and emptiness out of his voice, or at least tried to.

"Tch... Liar." the owner of the voice moved towards the bars that lined Eren's cell, steel grey eyes stood out among the darkness, they held no emotion, much like the man that owned them.

"I'm... I'm not a liar." Eren mumbled, he was tired of this, tired of fighting an unwinnable war.

"The idea of that sounds good, doesn't it?" Levi's steel grey eyes locked on with Eren's, cold and emotionless grey met fear and worry filled blue. Eren stiffened, his voice no longer working, no longer his.

"If you died, imagine how many people would die without you..." Levi stopped speaking, his voice trailed of as Eren weighed the pros and cons of living any longer. The cons defeated the pros. Eren stayed silent as Levi walked away, the heels of his boots clacking on the stone below them. Tears began to well, the thought of finally seeing his mother after all this time pushed the others away, then the idea of leaving Armin and Mikasa alone broke him, he was weak for thinking this, he was a coward and weak, he deserved death, and he welcomed it.

-------- The next day --------

Eren had a plan, and that plan will go how he wanted it to, no matter what, as of now, he stood on the top of the renovated castle, so close to the edge that a slight stumble would kill him, not that he minded none. He looked down, the spot of grass directly below him looked more welcoming then the arms of a loved one, taking a deep breath, he stepped forward, his foot hit nothing but air and he fell to his death. Wind whipped at hair, throwing it across his wide open eyes, a thin smiled found its place on Eren's face as he came in contact with the cold, hard ground. The thud echoed and a small crowd formed around Eren's dying body. Two surged forward, a short blond boy with clouded blue eyes and a raven haired girl, the red scarf had long fallen off as she ran her way there.

"Eren!" she ran forward, tears falling freely. Eren's chest rose for a final time, a collection of gasps and sobs filled the air, everyone was mourning this loss, all but one. Levi stood staring as Eren laid there, only now, when humanity saviour had died, not at Levi's hand but at his own, had he noticed Eren's beauty, the flawless skin, his bright cerulean eyes stared uselessly into space, unmoving but still full of emotions. Levi's stone cold heart snapped, it shattered into so many pieces, he had caused this, he pushed Eren to do this. His cheeks felt wet and warm, tears fell for the first time in years...

Over the next few weeks after the death of Eren, Levi became withdrawn, more so than usual. Rarely voicing his opinions on battle strategies that could make or break humanity. He was now a broken man, his heart shattered the day he died, that night something changed him. His dreams were no longer full of self loathing, they were full of... Eren. One dream stayed with him in particular.

"Hey, Levi? Were you crying when I died?" Eren asked nonchalantly as he wove his fingers with Levi's. He nodded, then frowned.

"Why are you asking me this?" Levi tightened his grip on Eren's hand as they wondered aimlessly through a meadow, bright coloured flowers were dew covered and sparkled when the sun hit them.

"I wanted to know how long you loved me for..."

"I loved you the moment I saw you... " Levi mumbled as they continued to walk, a nearby tree was where they settled, offering shade from the sun. Eren gently placed his head on Levi shoulder.

"You're dying... Aren't you?" Eren's voice was quiet, worry and slight amounts of relief filled his words.

"I'll be with you soon enough, I promise."

Levi kept his promise, he went against everyone as they screamed for him to reconsider, he had one person in mind as his life faded from him... Eren.


Pfff.... I don't like this! I hate the ending and I didn't do the song justice... <----- This is the song that I used, thanks to Karma.

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