Eremin- Be My Eyes.

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*curls up into a little ball and sobs*



"It's Armin..."

Eren's heart was racing as he answered the phone, Mikasa's shaky voice blared through the speaker, something had happened, something horrible.

"There's been an accident..."

That's when Eren's heart snapped, it shattered into tiny pieces. he dropped the phone, the entirety of his body was numb, he moved in a blur. He couldn't remember how he got his keys, or how exactly he had gotten in his car but soon enough he found himself speeding and screeching into the hospital car park. Eren wasn't sure how quickly he had got there, or if he was in some dazed daydream. he jumped out of the car, the pounding getting louder as he entered the hospital, the pristine white blinded him for a second. Armin hated them, Eren understood why.

"Was... I'm looking for Armin Arlert." Eren felt even more numb when the nurse held a grim expression, he felt sick as she stood slowly, leading him down white washed halls and light grey doors.

"How do you know Mister Arlert?" She asked, her voice was sickly sweet, she had done this before, leading someone to their breaking point.

"I'm his boyfriend." the word felt weird, it hadn't been long since both Eren and Armin had decided to no longer ignore their feelings and begin a relationship, yet the word still felt odd.

"He's right through here." she pointed to a door, the dull grey had a slight blemish, and the room number, 302 was fading slowly. "Your sister is waiting with him." Eren muttered a thanks as he watched the nurse walk away, his heart pounded against his chest. He pushed against the door, the soft creaking of the door alerted Mikasa that Eren had arrived.

"Eren..." Mikasa had been crying, her dark grey eyes were puffy and blood shot. Her hair was a mess, the short dark strands were wind-swept. She threw herself at him, crying even more into is chest as he held her. Eren's gaze remained on the boy in  the bed. Bandages were wrapped tightly around his eyes, Armin's blood stained blond hair was pulled off of his face in a loose ponytail.

"Ar...Babe." was all Eren could muster before his voice cracked.

"It hurts. I can't see." Armin whimpered softly, his fingers twitching slightly, waiting for the familiar warmth that was Eren. "Make it stop, please." he was begging by now, Eren let go of Mikasa and rushed towards Armin's side, carelessly running his fingers of the palm of Armin's hand, a habit that they had both become accustomed too, it provided comfort in darker moments.

"I don't know how too... Armin I'm so so sorry." gently, Eren raised Armin's hand to his cheek, the pale skin cold and icy against his. Armin was shattered, his dreams of seeing the oceans, the Sahara Desert and so much more. Darkness would be the only thing he would see.

"Be my eyes... Eren." Armin muttered, the hand that held Eren's tightened its grip, it felt wet, telling Armin that Eren was crying.

"I... How?"

"Describe the sun, stars and oceans to me. Tell me how beautiful everything looks. I want to see the oceans, and you'll be my eyes."

"I will be your eyes. I promise." Eren smiled, the tears stilled for just a moment, h began to describe the room they were in and soon instead of the room being filled with tears and sobs, it was filled with laughter and happiness.


Awww... It didn't turn out like I wanted it too.

There could be a second part to this. Maybe.

Also Wattpad isn't updating my notifications and such, so im not ignoring you people, I don't even know what is going on!

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