Ereri - Flower Crown (I suck at naming things...)

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Hey guys, yet another Ereri oneshot asked for by the amazingly awesome Multishipper, you should go check out her work, she's amazing. Anywhosies, hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. Also for people who watch AoT, my friend found a picture of Levi smiling...I totally didn't fangirl for twenty minutes...yeah~Ember


"Eren? I'm not entirely clear on what you want me to do..." Levi sat in the middle of a well flowered field, the younger of the two, Eren had suggested that they take some time of from 'work'. What Eren had in mind was not what Levi expected, at all.

"All you have to do is sit there, close your eyes and look bored... You do that anyway so I don't see how hard it is." Eren mumbled, patting Levi on the head after he had closed his eyes.

"I'm not a dog, brat..." Levi said under his breath, his ears pricked up at the sound of cursing and a loud buzz.

"Fucking bees, bunch of assholes..." then nothing. Levi struggled to hold back a laugh when Eren squeaked, keeping his eyes closed he sensed Eren sit in front of him.

"Brat? What are you doing?"

"Levi...hush... I mean, er just wait for a bit." he stammered, then it grew silent between the two, the only noise filling Levis ears was the soft distant birdsong. After, what seemed an age Eren spoke, well stammered more than anything.

"P-please don't murder me... Please." he begged as he gently placed the newly made crown of bright white daisy on top on his commander's head, hearing faint, almost inaudible snores emanating from his slightly parted lips.

"Hey Eren!" Hanji called out before running over, her hair bouncing like her glasses, which were glinting in the summer light.

"I was wondering if..." her voice trailed off as she caught sight of an upright sleeping Levi, with a freshly picked flower crown on his head.

"How did you... That's somewhat sweet..." she stared at Levi. Her brain went in overdrive, the thought of Eren and Levi was adorable, Eren stood, brushing the dirt and fallen flower petals from his trousers, Hanji continued "It's about time we started to head back, it's gotten late," she paused "Are you waking him up or am I?" a slight hint of fear rose in her voice, waking Levi up from a 'nap' could be fatal, Eren knew from personal experience, Levi would be cranky and would punch anything and everything that moved, breathed or spoke.

"I'm not waking him." Eren said with a slight chuckled, he could leave Hanji to wake him, but as Levi put it "Hanji gets it worse, I have a strong dislike to shitty glasses." so Eren continued "I'll carry him..." Hanji stared at Eren for the longest time before bursting out into a fit of laughter, laughter which then turned to a loud cackle, she quickly shut herself up, clamping a hand over her mouth.

"That I would love to see, even as a Titan shifter he scares you..." her voice trailed off as Eren edged closer to his sleeping lance corporal, he then bent over and scooped him up in one fluid motion. Levi snuggled into the sudden warmth, making Eren's heart beat twenty times faster than he thought possible, for this distance he could see Levi's face clearly, the almost non-existent smile line, they were faint but there nonetheless, light bags that had formed under Levi's eyes, giving him a tired look. Eren held back a smile. Hanji's slight smile widened as her inner fangirl broke free.

'I believe this is what the definition of perfect is...don't you think?' she thought to herself, and to answer her question she nodded, Eren now stood beside her, a snoring Levi in his arms.

"You guys are so...cute!" She spoke softly, mainly in fear of waking Levi...that would be traumatic.

"Really?" They began the walk back, half way there Levi cracked his eyes open, only slightly, he knew he was in Eren's arms and as much as he hated to admit it, he loved the feeling of warmth from the brat. The flower crown had fallen of as they made their way to the main entrance, that's when Levi woke up.

"Brat, put me down before I break your arms..." he nearly whispered, making Eren jump out of his skin.

"Heichou... I, I erm... Here." Eren let him down slowly, already missing the warmth he provided. Levi glared at Hanji, warning her without words.

"I will not tell anyone sir!" she saluted before running off, disappearing in to the large building that housed them, giggling like a madman.

"Don't think..." Levi yawned, stretching his arms over his head. "Don't think that I'll let this happen again." he yawned again. Eren nodded.

"No more time off then?" Levi did something he never thought he would do, he smiled, a genuine smile. Eren's eyes widened and a thin blush set across his pale cheeks.

"I'll chose the 'activity' next time, one that doesn't involve me wearing flowers..." and with that he walked away, leaving Eren speechless. A dark pink hue dusting his cheeks.

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