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Hey! Thanks for over 400 (Edit~ Over 800!!! Holy hell, I love you guys! Edit~17/12/2014~ FETUS EMMA WAS AN IDIOT!! 3.5K MOTHER OF FUCK) reads on this one shot book and over 400 reads on my first fan fiction, I just, thank you!!

All your reads help me, boost my self-confidence which recently has hit a low and it's nice know that people enjoy reading my work that I loved writing!

I can't stop smiling... My cats are looking at me weird. But Anywhore thank you so so much, this may not seem big to some but I was happy that one person was reading this...

I love you all and I hope you enjoy whatever I have to offer, you guys are sweet and the votes are highly frigging appreciated by me!

New oneshot tomorrow or Wednesday~ either PewDieCry/ Ereri or Leico... I have yet to decide.

Once again THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

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