Chapter One : Back to School

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Going back to school after five weeks of summer vacation is always a mixed of excitement and dread

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Going back to school after five weeks of summer vacation is always a mixed of excitement and dread. There are reasons why, one; you'll be reunited again with your friends, two; since you're a senior you wanted every bit of your remaining highschool days to be memorable, and three; you just hate waking up early every morning again.

But for a certain ravenette with her silk night robe and a mug of hot chamomile tea on her hands, waking up early is never been a big problem for her. The side of her body leaned on the door frame of her bedroom's balcony as she bit her lower lip to stop the forming playful smile on her luscious lips.

The 6 am view next door had always been helpful for her to wake up fifteen minutes earlier than that. Mischiefs glinting on her eyes as she watch her neighbor workout from the balcony in his bedroom. Their houses weren't near at each other but it's not that far too. Imagine two of the richest family in town just lived next door. The feud they can bring indeed.

She took out her phone from the front pocket of her silk robe as she searched her neighbor's name on her social media account and decided to type a message on his chat box where they rarely texts or talk to unless if it's bickering time.

Jeon Jungkook

is active now

Lalisa Manoban
Hey Juan
When did you grow six pack on your adorable belly? 😏💦

Jeon Jungkook
Excuse me?
Were you just sneaking up on me?

Lalisa Manoban
There's nothing much to see anyway, Juan.

Jeon Jungkook
Then stop staring creep.

Lalisa Manoban
I would.
But you're always blocking a good view of the sunrise.

Jeon Jungkook
Why? Is the sun in my fucking room?!

Lalisa Manoban
Good point.
I hope you strain a muscle, Juan.
Ciao 😘

The moment she turned off her smartphone and bring it back to her night robe pocket, she sipped on her tea and eyed her neighbor again. She saw him lift a middle finger towards her and Lisa could only blow him a kiss as a reply before turning her back and closes the glass door to start her morning routine.

"I think I angered a bunny." She stated to herself, smiling amusedly. 

At her eighteen years of existence, Lalisa Manoban knew Jeon Jungkook for fourteen years, the first time she saw him was exactly inside her room as well. She was playing with her dolls inside her room just right after her early ballet lesson on weekends when she got a glimpse on the other house next door. A well groomed boy wearing a short sleeve button down shirt with a black ribbon on its collar was calmly reading a book at the balcony in front of hers. Lalisa had never really put interest on their neighbor next door, let alone know that there's a kid with the same age as her and their bedrooms were facing each other.

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