Feelings #2

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(I kinda don't like
to publish this honestly.)


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j_chaeyeoni I'm excited for the festival tomorrow. 🤩 This photo was taken when our group went materials shopping for the booth.

Thank you @j.jk 🎉 Let's do our best tomorrow president!

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sharmina.m The real description of femininity. You look so pretty, Chae.

2 hours ago.

"So, are you gonna comment on that or what?" Jungkook was startled when the ravenette talked from his behind as she sat in front of him, putting the snacks she took from Bambam's kitchen.

They just got off from school and decided to hangout at Bambam's place. She reasoned that they need to furnish everything out for tomorrow and Jungkook agreed in instant because he's a perfectionist like her. It took a lot of persuasiveness and probably some blackmails too from Lalisa to actually convince Bambam on letting them stay on his crib.

"You took that photo?" She asked, not minding to gave him a glance. Lisa was preoccupied on writing down some notes for her group's wedding booth.

Jungkook took the glass of black iced coffee that Lisa probably made for him earlier when she went down to the kitchen since he knew Bambam wouldn't do that. He sipped at the straw that she also put and ponder again at the photo that he was tagged in. "She asked for a photo and Jisu handed me her phone." He reminisced of what really happened.

"Mm, I see. It's nice, she looked pretty there."

Her lack of emotions made his brows furrowed. She was too focused on what she's doing that she missed the frown on his lips. "Well, my friends keep pushing me to her."

Somehow, it made her stop for a few seconds but shrugged and continued on writing again. "Oh really, that's great but I don't really care so..."

"Come on, Manoban. Talk to me with this." He put the glass down, Jungkook doesn't know what he wanted to prove but he's eager to clarify some things because for the past few days it left him confused and mad, it's like there's this bottle of emotions that wanted to burst from inside of him but he can't let it happen.

"I'm not interested. But maybe if you could take off your shirt, maybe you'll get my attention."

Jungkook controlled his temper, his tongue poked on his inner cheek. It's like she knows what buttons to push and she can easily manipulate his emotions. Jungkook doesn't like that. It's unfair. He couldn't even do that to her. "I will never have a serious conversation with you am I?"

"Fine. But just this once." She rolled her eyes, harshly putting the pen down to cross her arms and look at him with furrowed brows.

Jungkook released a deep breath. Why does it feel like they're just forcing themselves to talk about this? Jungkook need some answers though. "Should I give it a shot? I mean, my friends always threw weird glances to us when we're talking like they knew something we didn't know."

It's the truth. The teasings from their friends and even the simplest kind behavior that he do to Chaeyeon always turn into a very awkward situation that will left them both blushing.

Lisa looked away, she blinked her eyes a few times before heaving a deep sigh to answer his questions.
"Why are you asking me that? We're not even friends, Juan. I don't think my opinion would help you at all. Go ask Bambam or maybe Chaeyeon herself, I bet she'll be glad." Lisa scoffed at her last words, she was sarcastic and not in the mood.

"That's why, I'm asking you because we're not friends. It would not be a biased opinion." Jungkook is starting to get impatient as well. What's up with her attitude? Isn't he the one that supposed to be pissed? He was asking nicely!

She turn her gaze back at him. Her eyes blank with emotions. "If you like her and want to build a relationship with her then give it a shot, but if you don't? Then don't." Her words are simple and very clear but why does it feel like it wasn't the answer he was looking for?

Jungkook frowned, shaking his head. "What if, I don't know?"

That's where Lisa scoffed a dry laugh. She couldn't believe this. Why is she answering his love problems when she wanted nothing to do with it.
"Then don't ask me. Figure it by yourself, dumbass."

Jungkook almost copied the expression of her face. But instead of scoffing, he smirked. "God, I remember now why I dislike you. You're very mean and spoiled." Here he is, expecting a nice conversation with her but she just had to ruin it and make everything about her.

The cocky smile on her face vanishes and it changed into a spiteful glare. "Oh yeah? Say something I don't already know, jerk." She quickly take her things and put it inside her bag.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked when he realizes what she's trying to do. Lisa didn't gave him a glance, she stood up and put her bag on her shoulder.

"Far from you, I guess?" She said in a very cold tone.

"Are you mad now? That's new. It's always the other way round. Did I finally made you pissed? Did I won this time?" He mocked standing up as well and went to catch her wrist but Lisa harshly swatted it away.

"Don't touch me!"

Why is she so stubborn? The sight of her hard glare made his adrenaline rush and his muscles tighten. He's as furious as her right now and none of them are backing out.

He hissed running his fingers on his hair the moment he successfully blocked her path. He walked a few steps closer towards her while his jaw is clenching and his fiery gaze locked on hers. "You know what? My hate for you outgrew these past few days, I don't like seeing you smile or even succeeding on taking what you want. And every time you made me angry, I fantasized about you and it makes me really mad at myself."

He's different. Something she never expected from him. Jungkook is very reserved to his feelings and confused for a lot of things when it comes to foreign emotions and this one, he couldn't figure it out so he turn it to rage. Lisa's heart beat loudly under her ribcage, a little scared of this new attitude.

She gain all her courage and put her chin up. A small smirk worked on its way to her maddeningly pretty face. "What are you waiting for? Hurt me." She muttered low and fierce.

"Oh I will."
Jungkook harshly pinned her at the door as she winced in pain from the impact. Jungkook then put his hand on her throat, his eyes dilating. "I will make you scream my name."

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