Feelings #7

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Lisa stirred up from her sleep when she heard the running water from the bathroom. Her sleepy eyes looked at the digital alarm clock on the top of his drawer next to the bed. It's four thirty seven in the morning, Lisa also noticed the undone space next to her on the bed, that means Jungkook just woke up.

As expected, Jungkook's a morning person. He never had any trouble waking up early. A trait that's different from her.

Lisa sat up and thanked the heavens for her alcohol metabolism, where she rarely experienced hangovers. The ravenette brush her unruly hair with her finger tips and decided to get out from the bed. She walk around the room and passes by a huge full length mirror on Jungkook's wall next to his wardrobe room. She saw her reflection and a smile spread on her lips, seeing herself dressed in one of Jungkook's favorite oversize warm sweaters. She looked small in his clothes, but it fit her perfectly.

She proceeded in the bathroom and opened the faucet of the sink to wash her face and gargle. A certain thought about last night stubbornly run in her mind ever since she woke up. Lisa studied her reflection on the mirror, for someone who got dead ass drunk last night? She looked fresh, except with those faint dark circles underneath her eyes.

She ran her fingers through her hair when that throbbing thought rang again in her mind. Lisa has made up her mind yesterday, playtime's over.

She's too attached already, Lisa never expected this to go this far. And now that reality is knocking on her door, she needed to wake up from this make-believe. She and him, will never happen because they are meant for someone else and going against the odds is foolishness.

Her trembling hands fidgets on the ends of Jungkook's sweater.

Falling for him is unfortunately something she have to forfeit. Because in the first place, loving the enemy shouldn't suppose to happen.

Her chest rises up and slowly goes down with her heavy breathings, as Lisa discarded her clothes. Her feet felt cold on the porcelain floor as she take a few small steps before pushing the door open.

The steam from the hot shower welcomed her sight and she felt it gently touches her skin. Her nose took a whiffed with the familiar scent of a body soap, as her throat ran dry when the foggy mist slowly dissolved in the air. The water stopped running and she heard the soft sound of the shower knob closing. "Lisa."

His voice was soft but it didn't miss the hint of shocked in it. Jungkook's jaw clenched, slightly turning his head at the other side to look away from her. He's just standing in the middle of his shower room with all his glory, droplets of water running down on his skin. Lisa caught her breath and her cheeks flushed in deep beet red.

"I told you, I wasn't drunk last night." She carefully lifted her gaze and sheepishly smiled at the blushing man. It's fascinating how one look and one seductive smile from the ravenette do wanders in his body, specially between his legs.

She take a step inside the shower and Jungkook's eyes widen in panic. "Listen, Lisaー" Her hands reached for the side of his face, the warmth emitting from her touch made him forget his words.

Lisa's gaze went down to his lips. "Lose yourself on me, who knows it might be our last."

Jungkook glanced up sharply, his brows furrowed. "As if I would let that happen." The spell was broken and he carefully put her hands down on her sides. Jungkook took two steps backward, putting a hand to pinched the bridge of his nose. The gesture only made him look, beguiling.

Chest heaving as Lisa struggled for breath, she stared at his fiery eyes, passion thrumming in her veins. "It ought to happen, Jungkook."

That catches his attention. It was the first time he heard her say his exact name and it rolled beautifully on her tongue. It doesn't help how the heat coming from her naked body burns him. "You said my name." He said in ragged, breathing. His shaky hand went to her nape and pulled her next to him as their bodies finally clashed on each other. It felt dangerous. Delicious. Enthralling.

Lisa nervously run her hands over his bare flesh. "And I will say your name over and over again." She whispered, leaning her face very close to him.

Jungkook grunted. Her soft touch, sent chills in his spine, sweetly torturing him. Lisa has always been bold and brave, so it wasn't a surprise to him when she carefully extended her tongue out and sensuously traced his lower lip. Jungkook's resolve to control this rapturous torture failed him.

He hissed under his breath and captured the vixen's lips. He felt her fingers fisted on his wet hair as her other hand ran down to his toned abdomen, there are no fats on his body, like it was carefully sculpted by God Himself. He must've favored Jungkook very much when He made him.

There was erotic desire in the manner in which his kiss devoured her. They were consumed by their cravings for one another, Jungkook hands made its way below her ass cheeks as he lift her body up to pin her on his bathroom wall. "Jungkook" She moaned his name when their heats had a slight friction, he was still pinning her on the wall and her legs wrapped around him, Jungkook let out a painful groan. Dammit.

"Shit, Lisa are you sure about this?" He asked in such torment. He's this close of losing all his gathered control. He must've been playing with the she-devil because Lisa rub herself to him and found his mouth again. The seduction slowly found its end and was replaced with ecstasy.

This all started with her. Because of her irrational thinking and stupid feelings. Here was the harm of one kiss, and now she couldn't avoid the consequence of it. Because Lisa would spend an eternity yearning for more.

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