Chapter Six : The Fall

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October's cultural festival has come and it will be the last festival for the senior grade

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October's cultural festival has come and it will be the last festival for the senior grade. That's why Jungkook as the leader of Class B, he wanted all to be perfect. He may not be the student body president anymore but his competitive side is showing by having the perfect booth for their section.

The class' sub leader opposed to all of his idea though, she slammed her fist on the table and mocked him which leads them into a heated fight whether on what to do and in the end, room B haven't decided a single thing.

Until the majority of their classmates suggested to have an individual booths for the class leader and sub leader. It's team Jeon versus team Manoban, again.

"What the hell was she thinking?!" Jungkook ranted to his friends the moment he put his lunch tray on their common table in the cafeteria.

"This year's festival is definitely more chaotic than last year." Jimin slurped at his cola, he can see Jungkook's squinted eyes looking at the populars' table.

"Our class supposed to have unity! But instead she divided it! She even took Yugyeom from us!" Earlier at their class meeting, after the decision to have two booths rather than one, the students in room B were also divided in two groups and unfortunately one of his friends was called to be in that vixen's group, and Yugyeom didn't even opposed!

This is where Jungkook's mixed feelings towards the ravenette heightened. She again, successfully stole from him and Jungkook couldn't do anything but to watch it go away.

"I told you that you need a freaking real love life, that girl is nothing but mishaps and discords." Bambam who's seating next to Jungkook leaned in to his ear and whispered while cautiously being careful not to look suspicious around their friends.

"I'll talk to her."

"Dude, that's a red flag! Don't be stupid." Bambam yelled at him in whisper. He would lose his remaining brain cells talking to this dumb fool. What did Lisa even made him eat to make Jungkook this stupid?

Bambam could only shake his head in disappointment, this is probably the curse of knowing his friend's dirty little secret.

Jungkook thought for a moment, his eyes wandered to his friends who are now busy eating and talking about ideas for their booths. He then nudge Bambam. "I really think, she'll listen to me."

"Well, good luck to that." Bambam didn't even bother to lean towards him and whisper, he lowly said it while playing with his fries.

"Can we talk in your house?"

When he heard that, Bambam snapped at him. Memories of unwanted incidents flashes through his eyes like a damn flashback in a movie. "Fuck no!" He exclaimed, almost catching everyone's attention.

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