Chapter Nine: The Forfeit

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When Lisa went back to their classroom from the comfort room, Rubyjen started to get suspicious of her aloofness towards them

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When Lisa went back to their classroom from the comfort room, Rubyjen started to get suspicious of her aloofness towards them. Not only she avoided the topic of what happened with her date but also she's jittery the whole period, her fingers shaking like she wanted to excuse herself and take a cigarette break on the rooftop to calm her nerves.

Honestly, Rubyjen felt guilty of that because she was the one to introduced tobacco to her. The ravenette was easily stress from all the responsibilities and expectations of people she needed to carry, that's why Jen showed her a temporary relief base on her experience. Their two friends, Minnie and Roseanne even joined them, saying they should stick together if one reputation goes down.

Rubyjen thought maybe it was just that, maybe she felt that big responsibility again because of her parents expectation on marrying the son of their business partner. However, when Lisa came to them with a sickening adoring smile? Rubyjen knew it wasn't just that.

"Let's go hit up the club tonight!" Her voice was too sweet for a request. Like Lisa forgotten how she ignored them three earlier.

Jen warily looked at her. She purse her lips, ready to reject the ravenette when Minnie screamed. Jumping up and down while she pulled her boyfriend with her. "Yes please! I haven't gone to the club for ages!"

Lisa reached out to Minnie's hands as they jump together in circle like two little kids excited for an amusement park. Jen heaved a sigh, "We can't, it's Thursday night."

The two abruptly stopped, both looking bummed. Lisa then glance at the other blonde who's busy talking to her boyfriend, finally they're not hiding their relationship anymore. "Roseanne!!! Jen is being a buzzkill she said it's Thursday night that's why we can't go to the club!" Lisa pouted and did the puppy eye where she batted her long lashes to look pitiful.

With a determined look, Roseanne left Jimin's side and stomped towards Jen. Her eyes glistening in dedication to lift Lisa's spirit. "Jen, we haven't celebrate Lisa's engagement. It's not like we're going to get wasted, we'll only have some fun and then go home." She conclude, the brunette hesitate and all of them are waiting for her to approve. So with a heavy sigh, Rubyjen nodded her head without any much choice.


Hearing that one word from her, Lisa and Minnie started jumping in circle again. Only this time, they pulled Roseanne to join their child like behavior.

When Rubyjen fetched all of her friends after changing their school uniforms to a more party-like clothes, she was still hesitant and suspicious. First, Lisa's too smiley from her usual expression. Second, she's spacing a lot when no one's around. Third, she keep glancing at her phone as if she's waiting for something or Jen's just delusional from all of these things.

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