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A truce. That's what both of their parents said. Jungkook awkwardly, roam his gaze around the living room. It's the first time he felt this nervous inside their own home, cold sweats forming on his forehead and so are his palms.

His gaze landed on the ravenette, who looked way calmer than him. He mentally shake his head, the things he does for her. It's almost ridiculous.

Of all the people he should be in love with, his heart decided to be a dumb fool and chose this sly vixen.

While he was staring at her, Lisa's curious gaze founded him and it was enough reason why his heart choses her. Honestly speaking, Lisa is all the things opposite to his ideal type yet he fell in love with her anyway and Jungkook didn't just fell, he fell hard. To the point that if he were to live a thousand lives, Jungkook would want to make Lisa his in each one.

Her long eyelashes softly batted at him apologetically and that's enough for him to swoon and forget what trouble she had done.

"Now that we have our truce, can we acknowledge the elephant in the room?" Jungkook was slightly startled by his old man's voice. Mr. Jeon cleared his throat after sipping at the tea that was served for them.

"If it's even true, our son will take full responsibility of what he did but we can never assure a marriage in this situation. You see, our Jungkook has someone he loves and we will meet her tomorrow morning." His mom's voice was firm and strict, you can tell that she was forcing herself not to be rude at their unexpected guests. She even held Jungkook's hand on purpose as if she was gatekeeping him away from their family's rival.

Mrs. Chitthip Manoban exasperatedly shake her head, as she sighed.
"This scandal will not only ruin us but your family name as well. You should rethink your decisions, Jeon Nari." Lisa's mother couldn't just let her only daughter be criticized by this family. No matter how many times Lisa told them to be at their best behavior before coming here, Chitthip is still a mother who's always ready to protect her child.

And just like two lionesses in a jungle fighting to protect their cubs, Mrs. Jeon stood up from her seat. "I will not let my son get married because of a mistake!"

Jungkook was alert, he quickly went to his fuming mom as he try to calm her down. He then gave Lisa a glance and mouthed 'sorry' at her in which the ravenette only look side ways, ignoring him. Damn, this is turning bad.

"Can we ask the kids first if it's a mistake?" A hope twinkled in Jungkook's eyes when he heard Lisa's father exclaimed calmly. However, Jungkook assumed too soon because his old man let out a loud scoffed.

"Of course, it is! Our son would never date your daugh—"
He can feel his vein popping on his forehead, why are his parents so against with it? He's trying to gain the Manoban's trust and here they are ruining it for him. Jungkook cut his father's words before his dad can say something hurtful to the woman he's in love with.

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