Chapter Two : The Masquerade

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Jeon Jungkook is still irritated by how his friends ditched him earlier when they were all supposed to go in school at the same time, but Bambam who was the mastermind of his annoyance planned to not fetch him on his mansion looking house on purpo...

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Jeon Jungkook is still irritated by how his friends ditched him earlier when they were all supposed to go in school at the same time, but Bambam who was the mastermind of his annoyance planned to not fetch him on his mansion looking house on purpose which was the reason why, he didn't have any other choice but to drove to Chaeyeon's house to pick her up and the girl awkwardly sat beside him, trying to engage a conversation between them but Jungkook's attention was on a different thing, he was thinking of ways on how to get revenge on those idiots, he barely heard what she told him.

The moment he turned off the engine of his car, he unbuckle his seatbelt and take the mask on the glove compartment in which the girl beside him watched his every moves. He awkwardly cleared his throat and was to say something when she smiled at him.

"Your mask suits you by the way." She said, in a soft low voice. Jungkook gulped, doesn't know what to do on situations like this. His ears turned hot as he quickly look away from the pretty girl who's giving him compliment by wearing a matte black and silver mask with two griffins designs on each corners that hides half of his face.

"Thanks, yours too. Shall we get going?" Jungkook just hope, he doesn't sound too cold when actually he's very nervous.

This is all his friends fault.

The opening dance was held at their gymnasium, Jisu also told them that her parents took extra time on doing this year's opening ball because it would be their only daughter's last year of highschool. They even made it special by adding a masquerade theme to excite all the students. They were right though because even if it was only thirty minutes had passed since it started, the gymnasium was packed. Jungkook couldn't even pinpoint anyone because it was kinda dark and the only thing that brightens the place are the disco ball, the colorful lights that were decorated all over the place, and a few dim spotlights from the ceiling.

He felt Chaeyeon snaked her hand on his arm, slowly tugging him close to her as if she would trip if he didn't guide her carefully. Jungkook let out a sigh when few of the students eyes are now on them, some are even taking pictures.

"I can't find them." He hissed on his breath, stating his growing annoyance.

"I think they saw us, that's Bambam right?" Chaeyeon pointed at the lad with platinum blond hair, he stood out among the rest with his plague doctor mask which he told on the group chat. Does he know how freaky he looks?

He waved at them as he laugh with Jimin while holding a red cup of punch on his other hand. Bambam even took out his phone and snapped a photo of them, Chaeyeon waved back with a cute toothy smile, she then look at Jungkook waiting for him to walk to where his friends are, but the latter didn't even gave her a glance. He seemed caught up by the text message he received on his phone.

Chaeyeon may not see the furrowing brows beneath his mask but the frown on his lips were too visible not to worry. "Jungkook?" She called.

"I'm sorry, you can go ahead. I'll follow shortly." He told her, taking his arm from her grasp. Jungkook then furiously typed a reply to the message he received, forgetting the existence of the pretty girl he's with. The lad didn't even noticed how the girl's shoulders slumped as she walked towards his friends.

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