Fools & Feelings

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lisa This nerd have a huge crush on me. What should I say?

View all 79 comments

j.jk Reciprocate it. 🥺

itsruby_jen Dump him.

j.jk @itsruby_jen Shut up.

somsomi0309 @j.jk U R SUCH A LOSER OPPA. I've always knew you liked eonnie.

lisa @somsomi0309 Really?

j.jk @lisa Ignore her. My sister doesn't know what she's saying.

bambam1a @j.jk Give me a break. You couldn't stop talking about her.

j.jk @instagram How can I report this person? @bambam1a

15 minutes ago.

"Care to explain, lover boy." Lisa put her phone down and reached out to hold his nape, scooting closer to him.

"My sister and Bam are delusional. Why would I have a secret crush on you?" He mumbled while his hands unconsciously wrapped around her waist, and it's adorable how tiny she looks next to him.

"Fine, I'm leaving." Lisa sat up, taking her arms off him but Jungkook quickly pulled her back. "Wait."

He looks at her, his cheeks and ears starting to turn beet red. "You already know what I feel about you, Lisa. I'm not good with confession nor sorting out my feelings but one thing is I'm sure at, I wanna fight for this." His voice sounded very honest and true, and Lisa tried so hard not to let out a giddy grin in front of him, instead she showed him a pout.

Her eyes blinked twice, like she's asking for more and Jungkook was more than glad to continue his monologue, specially how her eyes twinkled in so much delight.

"—I wanna hold on what we have no matter how foolish this gets, I don't care what everyone thinks, fuck we're enemies before how bad could this even get? If anyone tries to talk me out of this, I won't even hear them Lisa. I'm so in love with you, you drive me crazy." He shake his head, couldn't believe that after everything that happened to them, all the fighting and the rivalry between them, Jungkook end up falling in love with the least person he expected to be.

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