Feelings #8

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On Lisa's point of view, what she did was an act of surrender. For the last time, she wanted to oblige on what her heart says, to comply on what she truly wants. Every careful caress, sync deep breaths, soft moans, and those hot like fire squeezes, what they shared was pure romantic bliss.

Her nails dug deep on his back, as if she's marking her territory. Their passionate intimacy lasted for a few more hours and rounds, their first time was careful and affectionate but it escalated into a more lustful and ferocious act on the next ones, like they found what they both want and longed.

"Fuck, that's amazing." Jungkook groaned, breathless. His arms gave up on her sides and his weight fell on her smaller body.

Both are full of sweats as they catch their breaths, Lisa tiredly lift her hand to ran her fingers through his damp dark hair. Jungkook uses his remaining strength to pull her with him as he changed their positions, Lisa's now laying on top of him.

There's a silence between them, just their hearts beating in sync and heavy breaths. As much as Lisa wanted to lift her head to face the lad, her facade is on the brink of falling out. She felt his fingertips draw circles on her bare back, and Lisa's raging thoughts start to calm down.

After a long moment of silence between them, Lisa had finally found her strength to lift her head up and face Jungkook. His eyes are closed and when he felt her move, he sleepily open his eyes and meet her gaze. The corner of his lips curved up into a lazy smile before he cupped the side of her face. He was about to say something when Lisa beats him to it.

"Let's stop this." She couldn't bare to hear words from him. What they did was enough, Lisa couldn't afford another guilt to haunt her every night.

She saw how his demeanor broke for a few seconds before he flashes her a boyish grin, cupping her both cheeks to squeeze it together. "Yeah, I agree. We still need to go to school." Jungkook played dumb.

Lisa sighed, she take off his hands from her face and sat up, taking the blanket with her to wrap it around her naked form. She then shook her head, looking at him straight. "Jungkook, I meant what I meant. I'm engaged. I belong to someone now."

His jaw clenched, brows furrowing with animosity. That's quite deranged. She belongs to someone now? How come? As far as he remembers she belongs to him, Jungkook didn't missed to say, "Mine." in every thrust, claiming her because they just fit like two missing pieces who found their way together.

Jungkook also sat up, taking a pillow to cover himself when he noticed that Lisa's waiting for his reply. "Is he the person you like?" He asked in furrowed brows, remembering what the ravenette told him before.

"Does it even matter?" She breathed, shrugging her shoulders. It almost drove him mad by the lack of her answers, he frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair as his tongue poked his inner cheek in instinct.

She annoys the fuck out of him but she's also his weakness. "It matters to me." He revealed.

Jungkook have so many questions but her answers terrifies him, was everything that happened between them for the past months were a game? Because Jungkook will admit defeat for the first time in his life.

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