Feelings #10

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sooyah Strangely, with these three.

View all 123 comments

j.jk Yo, cous! Can you check your dm?

min.nie @yugyeom You have the worst timing on taking me out on a Christmas date. But ily babe 😘


j.jk @sooyah I'm sorry. Please my sweet beautiful cousin, open my messages 🥰

itsruby_jen @j.jk I'm disgusted.

2 hours ago.

"Cigarette break anyone?" Roseanne asked after their nonstop shopping spree of Christmas presents. Rubyjen was about to nod her head when she received a glare from Jisu, she forced a laugh and clears her throat "I'll pass." She says, which earned her a strange look from her two best friends.

The blonde shrugged, "Okay, what about you Lili?" Roseanne focused her attention towards the ravenette. Lisa thought for a second after seeing her two favorite brands placed beside each other.

"Is there a smoking area near here? I can't wait to shop at Balenciaga and Celine—" Lisa's rummaging inside her bag, looking for her cigar case. She was interrupted when they heard footsteps coming closer to them while repeatedly saying, "Wow"

"Oh wow, I didn't know that you had plans to come here. What a small world right?" The lad acted surprise, but it doesn't take a genius to know that he purposely went here to stalk, well... that's Rubyjen's interpretation. Jungkook pursed his lips into a tight lipped smile. "I might as well join you guys, haha."

Lisa's arms went limp on her sides, giving up on looking for her cigar case as she sigh exasperatedly. Rubyjen who's always tired of shits crosses her arms and voiced out Lisa's thoughts. "What are you doing here, Jeon?"

Jungkook swiftly glanced at Ruby but then he only ignore her and put all his attention back to Lisa again. "So, what are we doing today?" He smiled, all teeth like a jumpy bunny.

"Did Jisu told you we're here?" Lisa asked him, trying not to roll her eyes. What is he even doing here? What on earth doesn't he understand the words 'I don't want to talk to you'?

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