Chapter Seven : The Booth

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"What?" Jungkook asked the moment he stepped inside their classroom with everyone looking at him strangely

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"What?" Jungkook asked the moment he stepped inside their classroom with everyone looking at him strangely.

Chaeyeon was the first one to smile at him as she greet him a 'good morning' that everyone in his group follows. He went towards them and checked their booth if everything is in place and so far it looks good. "You cut your hair?" He glanced at Chaeyeon, reciprocating her smile. "Yeah."

"You look great president." She said, handing him the time schedule of everyone for today.

"Thanks, can you gather our group for a short meeting before the event starts?" He requested while looking at the paper she gave him. Chaeyoung gave a simple nod before leaving him.

He was too focused on memorizing the timetable of the event when he heard the familiar shuttering of a phone camera. In instinct, he lifted his gaze to look at the person in front of him. Her expression is sour and she has a frown visible on her pink plump lips, she aggressively type something on her phone ignoring the fact that she has taken a photo of him without his permission again. "Manoban." He called, but the latter didn't even bother to lift her head and gave him a glance.

"What do you need from m—" He wasn't able to finish his sentence when Lisa looked up with her brows furrowed. "You're ugly." She declared before turning her back and walked away from him.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" He breathed, shaking his head.

"Well, I don't care what is wrong with her. You need to explain why you were with her yesterday." It almost scared the shit out of him when Mina spoke from his behind. Her arms are crossed over her chest and Bambam is at her side trying to stop the girl but Mina is persistent, shrugging the poor boy away.

"How many times should I tell you that we were finalizing the booth for today!" He exclaimed, getting tired of explaining for the umpteenth times.

Mina's eyes narrowed, "Fine. I'll let that pass." She sighed, letting her hands fall on her side. "But I want to let you know that you could tell us anything. We're your friends, Jungkook. We're here to take care and support you no matter what." Jungkook turned silent, pausing at his place while his two friends waited for his answer.

(a/n: Minor readers,
please skip this part! I don't like you reading this. I have a little sister and I'm very protective of her, that means I am as well to those who aren't still 15 year old above. So go away!!!)

Yesterday, he was angry and so was the ravenette. They were throwing curses at each other, downgrading the other until he heard her soft whimper that turned into soft moans and the next thing he knew they were dry humping, harshly. And yes, Lisa did scream his name a couple of times before they heard a knock from the door that halted them both.

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