Fools #7

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Eventually last night when Jungkook dragged them both in his friend's room. Lisa had pushed him on the soft king sized mattress as she climbed on top of him. Seeing how attractive she looks with her long hair falling on the side of her face, Jungkook couldn't help but to slip his hand on her nape to pull her face and kissed her soft plump lips. The woman groaned and gently push him back to the bed, but Jungkook's mind was clouded with her intoxicating taste.

He changed their positions and started leaving trail of wet kisses down to her neck while his hand slipped inside her shirt to touch her bare skin. "I told you, I don't want you tonight." She breathed deeply, controlling her every desires to do the same with him.

"But I want you, Lisa." He muttered and his hot breath touching her sensitive skin. 

"No, I am here to play with your hair, Juan. Stop being stubborn." She whined and Lisa used all her remaining strength when she felt something hard accidentally poke on her upper thigh. What the fuck was that?!

Instantly, she was sobered up as she stared at the pouting lad above her. Lisa admit that for those 3 weeks of fooling around with her childhood enemy, this is the second time that she felt him. The first one was yesterday when she encouraged him to touch wherever part of her body that he wanted to touch.

Goodness. What did she turned him to?

"Please?" She said it again, lifting her both hands to run her fingers through his soft black hair. The lad sighed, didn't have any choice but to submerge on what she wants.

Jungkook dropped his weight on top of hers as he rested his head on her chest, while he let her play with his hair. The sound of her heart beat slowly nods him off to sleep.

So imagine Jungkook's surprised when he woke up the next day and found his arms wrapped around her small bare waist, her shirt was hiked up revealing the ravenette's black lace bra in front of him while she was still sleeping peacefully. Lisa's arms are around his head, hugging him close to her warmth.

He had never thought of waking up next to the woman he hates and oddly, it wasn't that bad. She kinda sleeps like a baby and Jungkook lost the time of how long he'd been staring at her face. "It must be the end of the world." He shake his head, waking him up to the reality that a Jeon and a Manoban will never be good for each other. Two families are made to clash.

Jungkook's jaw clenched, taking off his grip from her body as he slowly got off the bed and searched for his phone. He sat at the edge in deep thoughts, why is he here again? His fingers run through his onyx colour hair, then he released a long deep breath. He never really thought of it but Jungkook had swore to himself before that he should never let the woman enter in his life, Lisa Manoban is a taboo but one night changed everything.

The taste of the forbidden fruit was so addictive, he kept coming back for more to the point of no turning back. She was that fruit in his eden and the moment he got tempted by the serpent which also herself, Jungkook couldn't done nothing to prevent it.

He was still in his thoughts when he felt two warm hands snaking on his torso, nuzzling his neck to the side of his face. Jungkook turned his body around and carry her so that she can sit on his lap. "Good morning, handsome." She told, biting her lower lip.

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