Fools #6

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"Oppa, girls at school had been gossiping about you

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"Oppa, girls at school had been gossiping about you." Somi squinted her big brown eyes at her older brother. They were at the Jeon's dining hall with their parents as they silently eat their late breakfast all together.

Jungkook put his phone back to his blazer's pocket and curiously meet his little sister's piercing gaze. "Why?" He asked. 

"It was when you fetched me at school yesterday and my classmates took a picture of you, now you're someone they gushed about." Somi scrunched her nose, grimacing when she remembered what her classmates had been saying about her nerdy brother.

"What's wrong with that?" Mrs. Jeon asked, curious about her already two teenagers. It's her eldest child's birthday today and she and her husband decided to take a leave at work to celebrate it, so even if Mrs. Jeon doesn't really cook because they have helpers in the house, she tried her best for her son which why they're having a late breakfast now.

"It's very disturbing, mom. They keep asking me if oppa already has a girlfriend." Somi complained, putting a bunch of food inside her mouth until her cheeks are full.

"What did you say?"

She glanced at her mom, then the memory of how those pathetic girls came and started being nice to her all of a sudden made her nose flare in annoyance. "I told them, he's gay."

Mr. Jeon halted from slicing his steak, he then look at his fuming daughter. "Somi, take back your words. That can tarnished our name, you know how influential our family is."

The girl rolled her eyes, putting her utensils down. "Dad, as if Oppa even cares! Look, he's not even listening to our conversation." She literally pointed at her older brother who's too focused on his phone, replying to someone. Somi bet he didn't even heard a thing about what they've been talking about for the past ten minutes.

 Somi bet he didn't even heard a thing about what they've been talking about for the past ten minutes

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