sleepover pt.1

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Jungwons POV

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Jungwons POV

It's been a week since I've started working as a secretary, it's not so hard so far but I've have gotten a few hard tasks.

Mr.park is very nice towards me which I'm happy about.

I was currently doing some work for the boss again which was also pretty easy.

I was setting up important meetings with him and other bosses or CEOs of other company's.

He gives me at least 10 tasks to complete a day, for me work last until my boss's time to leave also.

But if he goes somewhere like a meeting and I cant come, i just wait until he gets back but i dont leave because the day is not over yet.

I work til 9am-10pm, 14 hours, I'm more of a night person so it dosentbother me at all.

Sometimes I dont get enough though, I have more than enough time to get some sleep in and not be tired but sometimes I stay up longer then i want to.

But its not my fault i have arguments all the time with Milo.

After i finished scheduling the appointments I went to go tell him I was done.

I knocked on the door and he told me I could come in.
I'm not going to lie I enjoy looking at my boss, he has a nice face, most of the people here do especially my friends who are either on a little lower position then me or a more higher position.

I've made good friends with heesung and sunoo, along with meeting niki,Jake and sunghoon.

Their nice and make my life a lot less boring.

If I'm honest I want this job for the rest of my life.

Its relaxing and releasing, its like a nice cozy home, just with other people inside of it.

I hate going to my actual house, it's always so stressful and sad, to me its just a place I go back to get beat.

"Hello sir", I greeted him with a bow.

"Oh hey jungwon, you done?" He asked me.

I nodded and he started going through a few papers.

"Ok then, I need you to write some reports to the other companies I partner with for now", he told me.

I went to the desk and he handed me the papers.

"I'll get it done as fast as I can sir", "No need to rush, you already do 3 days of work in one day so you should probably slow down a bit, dont over work yourself",he told me back.

"I'll try",I told him huffing.

I went out the outside of our office to go get the files of the company's he partnerships with.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now