The Teasing Begins(M)

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Jungwons POV

This chapter will contain some smut, if your not comfortable with it I'll be putting a warning before it starts, this whole chapter is pretty spicy though you've been warned, it includes:

Degrading kink
Praising kink
Choking king
Cum refusal
Some BDSM but not to harsh.
Face fucking
Eating out

The movie have been over with for a while now.

Jay had carried me up the stairs earlier and we just cuddle and watching a movie.

Dont think I forgot about how he left me all hot and bothered.

Of course I didnt forget.

"I'm going to go change into more comfortable clothes be right back", I told him.

I went in the bathroom and thought of something that I can wear that might get him to try and touch me.

I decided to just put on one of my long sleeved shirts that only cover down to the middle of my thigh, I also wore some more so revealing underwear.
(Its the picture at the top)

My butt would basically be all out, I hope I dont keep getting wedgies.

They were Calvin Klein underwear one of my favorite pair.

I also added cat ears and a collar since I think I look cute with them, they'll also add to the teasing.

I'm sure he'd get horny if u tease him enough.

And since hes clingy and like me to sit in his lap it'll make this a bit easier.

I came out the bathroom and went to lay next to him.

He was sitting again the headboard and I layed down on my tummy facing the tv with my feet again the headboard so my butt would be in his sight.

I could literally feel his eyes piercing holes in my ass cheeks.

I swayed my hips back and forth swinging my legs around.

Suddenly I was grabbed and pulled into his lap.

"What are you doing", he asked with dominance and power laced in his voice.

The glare he gave me gave me chills it was kinda scary but it was hot.

"I'm not doing anything", I said giving him a confused face, but I knew what I was doing.

He snaked one arm around my waist and used his other hand grabbed my chin.

"Your so pretty", he told me smiling at me.

Yea this happens a lot, he switched from being super dominant and demanding to being soft towards me.

But that means he believes I'm not trying to do anything to him which is good on my end.

I giggled and kissed his nose.

I turned around in his lap and faced the tv.

We were watching some funny.

So anytime a funny part came up I would laugh, but also bounce in his lap.

I heard him grunt once which means its starting to have effects on him.

"Daddy, can we play a game", I said calling him the name he likes me to call him.

It's not nothing unusual I call him that a lot and he seems to like it and so do I.

"Sure kitten, what do you wanna do", he asked me.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now