The Date pt.3(M)

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Ok here yall go my lovely supporters💞

Jungwons POV

I woke up to jay once again shaking me.

"I'm uppppp, I'm upp",I told him.

"C'mon let's go get you something to eat", he said getting out the car.

He swung around to my side and opened the door for me.

"I have hands you know", I told him.

"Yes but you're still a bit sleepy and i dont want you to stay there", he said, it's not like I was going to go back to sleep.

"Anyways, I hope the food is good here, im really really hungry", I told him.

"Yea I know, let's hurry and get inside", he told me.

We walked inside and boy was it nice looking.

"Hello sir, and cutie, where would you guys like to sit", the man asked us.

"I got a private booth a few days ago for today it's under the name Park Jay", he told the man.

WHAT, WHYD HE GET A PRIVATE BOOTH!, isnt that a lottt of money.

"Oh yes, I'll take you to your seats", the man said again.

He took us to the private sections and showed us our seats.

"Thank you", I said.

"Your welcome pretty",, the man said back.

Are they supposed to talk like that to people??.

"I'll come back after I give you a few minutes to look through the menu", he said before winking at me.

I saw jay roll his eyes.

"Pick something for me I dont know what to get", I said to him.

"Are you allergic to anything", jay asked me.

"No", I said back.

"Okay", he said.

The waiter came back and jay ordered the food.

He ordered chicken alfredo noodles for me with a steak and some Sprite.

He ordered the same thing also.

"Are they supposed to talk like that", I asked jay.

"No, but they are supposed to speak politely", he said back.

"Hes flirting with you", jay said.

"Oh okay", I said back.

"You dont care?", Jay asked.

"No, he can flirt all he wants, I'm on a date with you why would i give my attention to him", i said back smiling at Jay.

What's that?!, OMG IS HE BLUSHING.

"ARE YOU BLUSHING?!", I said suprised.

"N-No I'm not",he stutters


"YOU JUST STUTTERED", I also said suprised.

He cleared his throat.

"NO, I didnt", he said still blushing.

"But your still doing it", I said back giggling.

"I made you blush~", I teased.

"Yes you did", jay says back sighing.

I went to go sit next to him and sat on my knees.

"What?", he says looking at me.

I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed again.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now