The Park Family

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Guys I know jay doesn't have any siblings in real life but I thought itd be fun if I made it that way. Also I have no idea what Jay's parents names are so I'll have to make it up lol.

Jay's POV

Today everyone is going to work since our break is over and somehow these people are still in my house.

"NIKI HURRY UP I HAVE TO GET READY TOO", sunoo yelled at niki.

Everyone was getting ready, except me and jungwon who's already ready.

"C'mon they'll be there later but let's not be late because of them especially since your the boss", jungwon said yanking me outside the house.

He let me go and we started walking to the car.

"Did I ever tell you your car looks like a batmobile", jungwon told me skipping to the car.

"Yes, multiple times", I said to him.

Time skip

I had just got done checking up on jungwons paper in my office and also took a look at the schedule he planned out for me.

Every since we got together it's hard not to just go in his office and just hold him.

I sight to myself.

I starting sighing and writing on the papers I needed to before I heard the door.

"Awe did you come back because you miss me", I said to jungwon.

He huffed before rolling his eyes at me.

"No I came back to give you the paper mister chu wants you to sign for the agreement on sharing your ideas for his company", he said walking to my desk and setting the paper on it.

Before he could reach away I hurried and grabbed him, swinging his around to me.

"What are you doing",he asked me.

I wrapped my hands around his waist and hugged him, my face in his stomach.

He chuckled before rubbing the top of my head.

"I missed you", I told him.

"I've been here with you the whole time", he said to me.

"Yea but I cant hold you like I want to", I told him again.

I tapped his but and he let out a small yelp.

I then grabbed him and sat him on my lap.

"We are still working jay", he told me.

"I know that, no one comes in without knocking anyways", I said grabbing his chin kissed his soft lips.

Not everyone in the building knows about our relationship yet.

A lot of people caught us kissing or me being clingy towards him and they'd coo at it.

We both didn't mind about people finding out about our relationship and now that I think about it I haven't introduced my family to him yet.

I'm kinda scared to, no not because their homophobic or non excepting in any way, its because they'd probably smother him to death with hugs and kisses or spoil him to death, especially my mom.

Also because I've never really had an actual heart felt relationship before so they'd definitely try to show him baby pictures of me, which would be embarrassing considering I cried in most photos.

"Baby I have an idea",i told him.

"Yea what is it", he said grabbing my phone.

"I want you to meet my parents", I told him.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now