The Fun\Scary day

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Jungwons POV

"Jayyyyyyy", I said running down the hallway to my boyfriend in the kitchen.

"Yes baby", he said grabbing me sitting me on the counter.

"Heesung,sungoon,Jake and the others are going to a 4 story haunted house thing, and they got tickets for everyone to go and booked it for tomorrow, can we gooo", I asked poking my lip out at him.

" Are you sure you'll be okay in a 4 story 8-10 star super scary extreme haunted house for about an hour or two??", he asked me.

"What have you been before", I asked him Curious.

"No, but my friends have and they couldn't sleep without the lights on for a week or 2, same with my siblings", he said wrapping his arms around his waist.

" I have you and the others ill be fine, you'll make sure I'm ok and you should really be worried about sunoo,niki,jake and heesung more then me", I told him.

"Mmm that may be true", he said kissing my lips.

I pecked him back before he went back to cooking whatever he was cooking.

" What are you making ", I asked him.

" I wanted to try the cookies they had in squid game so I'm making some, everyone says there good", he replied to me.

I got off the counter to walk to the stove where he was stirring the sugar.

"I'll be in the room then I'm coming back to the living room", I told him.

" Alright baby ", he said kissing my cheek.

I smiled at him before skipping down the hallway to our room.

I went in the room to change into my pink sweater that had bunny ears on the top and just some underwear, today was going to be a comfy day, then tomorrow I can be scared shitless.

I also put on some pink thigh high transparent socks which were cute.

I went back to the living room and plopped on the couch turning the tv on.

I then turned on YouTube watching a couple channel called Max and yos.

Their so cute.

I was in the middle of it when I had an idea.

We should start a youtube channel!!

"Daddy!", I said calling out to my boyfriend in the kitchen.

"Yes baby, I'm coming", he told me.

He enter the room and grabbed me again sitting down and sitting me on his lap.

" We should make a YouTube channel", it told him.

"Hmmmmmmmm, why", he asked me smiling at me.

" I think the other couples on here are cute and I think it would be fun making memorable videos together ", I told him happily.

" Sure why not, we can start the video today and continue it for tomorrow at the haunted house", he suggested.

"Will they allow cameras??", I asked him.

" Yep, my siblings blogged the whole time when they went", he said.

"Oh ok but what would we start off with today", I asked him.

"Going to buy a kitten or a puppy, wait your allergic to cats", he said to me.

I looked at him exited.

"WERE BUYING PETS!!," I yelled out of excitement.

"don't be too loud jungwon, and yes we are since you've been wanting one and so have i", he told me.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now