The Cuteness(SUNKI)pt1

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Sunoo's POV

Everyone was currently at my house, i don't know why their here but they are, we were all currently in the movie room watching the netflix zombie series All Are Dead, its really good, but im still scared of it, me and niki was in the couples movie chair together, i was sitting sideways in his lap.

We both had the fluffy warm cover on us and I had some of it into my hands to cover my face when i needed or felt like something scary was going to happen.

"Oh my god someone needs to throw Na-yeon out of the window now, she's such a bitch", I complained, "My thought exactly, she needs to chill, the only reason she still alive is because of the rest of the group", Jungwon said annoyed.

"I also hate Gwi-nam, why isn't he dead yet, why are the assholes still living", Jake said rolling his eyes. I started feeling tired so I looked away from the tv and cuddled into Niki's lap putting my face into his chest, he kissed the top of my head sweetly and wrapped his arms around my body.

"Are you sleepy baby", he asked me and i nodded sleepily, "Ok lets take you upstairs", he told me kissing my cheek, he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his waist lazily, "We're going to take a nap guys", he said as we walked away and they let out mumbles signalling they heard us.

"Your so cute, my sleepy little baby", he cooed into my ear, I let out a small tired giggle, Niki opened the door and went to sit me on the bed, he started walking away and i let out a whine, he looked at me before chuckling, "I'm only closing the door I'm not going anywhere little fox", he told me closing the door.

He walked back over to me and I reached my hands out to him telling him to hurry up, he smiled at me, when he did finally reach me he embraced me wrapping his arms around my waist, he laid on top of me with his face snuggling into my neck.

I made sure to wrap the covers around both of us, I was falling asleep when i felt Niki kiss my neck, I wrapped my arms around his neck being a bit flustered, "Your ears are red again", he teased, "Sh, im trying to sleep", i told him, "I know, I'll let you sleep", he told me coming up and kissing me on the lips, I kissed back, butterflies were moving around in my stomach.

He laid his head back into my neck, shortly after that I was asleep.

I was woken up by screaming and yelling, their so loud, Niki was still asleep, I wish i could sleep through a bunch of noise. depending on how loud they are their either watching a really scary movie, playing games or just screaming at each other.

I looked at the clock on the wall, at least I was able to sleep for 3 hours, out of no where, Niki flipped both of us over, so now i was on top of him, he was still asleep though, I sat up on his stomach rubbing one of my eyes so it wouldn't be so blurry.

I turned myself around on his stomach so I was facing the tv, I guess i'm not that heavy since he's able to sleep while i'm on him, then again I guess I should expect that since he works out. I ended up watching the blackpink movie on netflix.

small time skip 30 minutes

I didn't notice my boyfriend had woken up until he sat up, wrapped his arms around my neck and set his head on his arm.

"Your up I see, don't know how you slept through the rest of the group yelling", I said to him, "Probably wouldn't have if they were in the same room as us, how did you sleep", he asked me, "I slept fine, how about you", i asked him back, "I'll sleep fine as long as I have you", he said kissing me on the cheek, "Stop flirting with me", I told him blushing, "Never", he told me wrapping his arms around my waist.

I moved myself to sit on his thigh but he pushed me back up, that happened 3 more times until I got a bit annoyed, "Why do you keep pushing me back up", I asked him, "Feels better this way", he said squeezing my waist, I blushed hard.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now