Sneak Peak

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"I don't think they should have a honeymoon, jays gonna act like a mut in heat and break the poor boy", Chaewon said as she talked about her son.

"Oh trust me Jungwon would love that", Imhan, jungwons mother said as she snickered.

"Hey that was me with my husband during our honey moon, no regrets", Tae-hee said and the motheres ooed.

"I agree, my nephew can be very kinky", Jungwons aunt Pam said as she looked at her nephew.

"Oh no he's an angle, is he really like that", Mina, Jays aunt, sister of his father says.

"I think so, you guys must have never heard them get at it yet, verrrry vocal", Imhan said about her son remembering one time they started having grown up fun when they spent a night once.

"Oh really??!, I know Jays definitely hard on him in bed, definitely gets that from his father, Jun(jays dads name for short), finished with me once and I was tired the whole other day", she said as she rolled her eyes.

"That's a good thing, that's how you know you have good sex chemistry", Tyhyi, Chanhees Mother said.

"If anything Chanhee is also very vocal, especially since he can have a high pitched voice, his moans are way high, and my son gives him no mercy when there at it", Ink, Younghoons mom said.

"I feel bad for all our sons who are bottoms", Kaelin said as her son, Felix, was also a bottom and his boyfriend was also a hard person in bed.

"Our sons who are tops take after their fathers", Chaewon said and everyone agreed.

"My son is a Power bottom so I don't really relate, but his ass definitely still be limping after", Jimoo chuckled talking about her son wooyoung.

(Let's see what the father talking about)

"I raised my son well", Minhan, Younghoons father said, "How come", Jun, Jays father asked.

"The boys a back breaker, I do sometimes pitty Chanhee, he's such an angle and I raised Younghoon a devil", He said as he chuckled.

"Chan too, that boy definitely has the upper hand over Felix", He says shaking his head.

"Out of them all Id definitely say Chris is probably the most harsh in bed", said Younghoons father Minhan.

"I agree also", said Jun, Jays father, all the other fathers agreed without a argument.

"Your son definitely shows now mercy on my poor angle", Jungwons father (idk if I ever made a name for him but I'm making a new one bc I don't remember), Kaid said.

"I know, I tried to tell him not to be so hard on him because he might break him but he said Jungwon enjoys it so", Jun said shrugging and Kaid laughed.

"Chanhee takes after his mother, loud", Mark says about his son, "Same here", Silv, Felix's dad said.

"I almost knocked myself out once they started, my wife told me stop being dumb and she hit me with her shoe so I just put on headphones", Woomin, Sans father said.

"I feel you, I was gonna knock on their door but my wife told me to let them be young", Jun said.

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