Feeling Better

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Jay's POV

I was going to kiss him again, but someone barged in the room

I feel like punching someone for ruining the moment.

I rolled off jungwon rolling my eyes.

Of course it was sunoo who was at the  door, he never knocks, I mean this is his house but he knows he has company.

"Uhhhhhhh, I'm sorry?", sunoo said like more of a question.

"What do you want", I said irritated.

"Uh I forgot, anyways let me borrow my bestfriend", he said coming in the room and dragging him out the room with him.

I layed back down and let out a big sigh.

I hope he doesn't feel uncomfortable around me because of that.

Switch to jungwons POV

Sunoo dragged me out the room and back into his room, which was empty.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!", He whispered yelled at me.

"I dont know what your talking about", I said, when obviously I do.

He pinched my ear.

"Yah, that hurts", I said grabbing my ear.

"You tell me now", he demanded.

"Ok fine, I dont really know what happened-", sunoo was getting ready to pinch me again.

"Wait let me finish jeez", I told him

"I'm waiting", he said back.

I rolled my eyes before speaking again.

"Ok so I woke up and he was still  sleep, he smelled nice and it was relaxing, I dug my nose in his neck more and he chuckled", I said before someone cut me off.

"Oh my gosh that's so cute", he said.

"I'm not finished dont cut me off if you wanna hear what happened", I told him.

He rolled his eyes at me.

"So he woke up and we chatted for a bit, basically debating, because I told him it didnt even tickle that much, later on he started to tickle me so we ended up wrestling on the bed-", I got cut off again.

"Well that sounds very sexual, go on", he said smirking.

"Stop cutting me off, anyways he stopped because I told him I couldn't breathe, and when he did he was positioned on top of me", I said blushing at the thought.

"And did you guys kiss?!",he asked getting excited.

"Uhhhhhhhhh, yes",I said quietly.

"Oh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhh, how was it is he a good kisser did it make you feel good, or horny", he said throwing me so many questions.

"I will kill you, shut up and yes it felt nice", I added.

He squealed and got up shaking me.

"What are you doing", I asked him.

"He totally fell for you", he squealed again.

"Shut up with your screeching, and I'm pretty sure he didnt it was just in the heat of the moment", I told him.

He pinched my ear again causing it to turn red.

"Jesus christ you have such a gorilla grip", I said rubbing my ear.

"Jungwon your blind as hell, obviously he likes you and you like him back, I'm pretty sure you've been crushing on him since you met him", he told me sternly.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now