The chill day

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Sunoo's POV

Luckily I was able to fall asleep at all.

I woke up to a heavy feeling on top of me.

When I finally was able to open my eyes the first thing they adjusted to was how light it was in the room.

Bright as hell.

The next thing I rubbed my eyes before looking down at my chest feeling fuzzy soft and good smelling hair tickle my chin.

That's what was on top of me, more so who was in top of me.

Somehow niki managed to get halfway on top of me in his sleep.

I say halfway because hes laying on my chest yes, but this boy got one long ass body.

I didn't mind him being on too of me.

I like watching him sleep, how the hell does he still have a nice face while sleeping, I probably look weird.

I yawned and stretched my arms out.

When I brought my arms back I accidentally hit the angel in the head.

"Ouch, why'd you hit me",he said softly, his voice scratchy and deep.

"I'm sorry go back to sleep", I responded rubbing his head.

He becomes quiet again but hes not sleep.

I turn on my phone and got the sudden idea to take a picture of him.

His head was laying sideways on my tummy.

Bless this good camera quality, because it actually catches every single on of his details.

I snapped a few photos and looked over them, if people were to see these they'd think we were a couple.

I blushed at my own thought huffing at myself and blowing out air which hit my bangs and made them go up for just a second.

He set his chin just between my stomach and chest before opening his eyes.

I put my gaze on my phone swiping between the photos so I could choose which one was the best so I could probably delete the rest later.

"Mm, what are you doing", I said looking at him getting suprised and flustered at what he did.

For some odd reason, really really odd reason, he lifted my shirt up a bit and licked my stomach. I blushed hard.

Yes that's very weird and its definitely not what friends or even bestfriends or childhood friends do.

"Trying to get your attention",, he said back.

I rolled my eyes at him looking away not caring about what he wanted.

"Dont do that", I told him.

"After all these years, you really think I'm going to start listening to you now", he said chuckling.

Once again I rolled my eyes and got back to my phone.

He started poking my sides which are once again, very sensitive.

"Stopppp", I complained.

"Nooo", he said back mocking my tone.

And he layed his head back on my stomach.

I felt his hands trying to dig under my back trying to wrap his arms around my waist.

So I lifted(arched lol), my back so he could get under easily.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now