Sleepover pt.2

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After a while the doorbell rang.

"Not it", "Not it either", said sunoo and niki.

I rolled my eyes at them, so childish sometimes, who's that lazy?

I got up and walked down the stairs taking my time, whoever is at the door should have the patience to wait.

"HERE I COME!", I screamed down the stairs.

I got to the door and looked through the hole.

Oh it's the boss.

I opened the door and greeted him with a smile.

"Hey jungwon, is everyone else here yet?", he asked me with a smile.

"No not yet, their probably packing enough stuff to last a week when it's just a 1 day sleepover", I said rolling my eyes and letting him in.

He chuckled at my remark, he has a nice laugh.

"Is your head feeling better?", he asked me looking at me with a trace of concern.

"Yea I'm fine thanks", I said turning around and walking to the stairs blushing. I dont know why I did.

"Sunoo and niki are upstairs, come on", I told him.

He followed me up the stairs, and I made sure to knock before opening the door, between these two you never know what could be going on behind there.

Sunoo came and opened the door.

"You didn't have to knock you dummy", he said huffing and rolling his eyes, he does that a lot.

"You never know", I said walking to my favorite bean bag.

"Oh hey jay", niki said.

I looked confused as to why he called him by his first name.

Well I guess this is a sleepover, and knowing these two, outside of work formality dosent exist.

"Niki what happened to your face", mr- no jay asked confused.

"Oh sunoo slapped me, you should fire him", he said being dramatic.

"No it's not my fault you-", sunoo started but stopped.

"What did he do", Jay asked.

"ITS NOTHING", Sunoo yelled being flustered.

"Uh ok", jay said.

He set his stuff down and came to sit by me, but he sat on the rug.

"I'm going to go prepare snacks, the others will be on their way soon.", sunoo said getting up.

"Let me help you", niki said getting up.

"NO!, all you'll do is play around", he told him.

"No I'll actually help pleaseeee", he begged.

"Fine come on", he said.

"They bicker to much", I said rolling my eyes.

"Yea that's true", Jay said agreeing with me.

I got up to grab the remote, but when I came back to my seat jay was sitting there smirking.

"Why did you take my seat get upppppp", I whined.

"No I'm fine here", he said sticking out his tongue at me.

Well that's definitely new.

"Well I'll just push u off", I told him.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now