The Date(JAKEHEEHOON Pt.1 M⚠️)

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There will be 3 parts since I love them sm

𝕖𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕦𝕟𝕘  𝕆𝕍

I woke up to my bed being weirdly empty unlike usual.

I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up and so I could open my eyes better.

I looked around for the 2 boys that were usually in my bed by the time I woke up, weirdly they weren't there.

I shrugged and went to grab my phone, I called Jake, after a few rings it picked up.

"Where are you guys", I asked him tiredly, "Uhhh don't worry about that, anyways how'd you sleep", He said trying to change the subject.

That definitely made me suspicious but whatever, "I slept fine, both of you hurry back or I'll kill you", I said before hanging up.

"I'm too tired to deal with their flirting right now", I mumbled to myself as I went to grab some clothes out of my drawer.

I went and took a shower to wake myself up but also to freshen up.

When I got out I felt a lot better, I brushed my teeth, did my face routine and put a slightly pink tint on my lips and added eyeliner.

When I got out I felt a lot better, I brushed my teeth, did my face routine and put a slightly pink tint on my lips and added eyeliner

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(Outfit) seemed a bit like something he'd wear if he wore a crop top

(Outfit) seemed a bit like something he'd wear if he wore a crop top

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My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now