Update on my situation

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Don't worry too much about me you guys, thank you for all the blessings and prayers, I'm lucky to have a big family that's stays contacted and strong even though we have our moments.

The school donated school supplies and some of my friends parents and my boyfriends mother even asked if we needed anything.

My teacher even set up a go fund me account for us, we have 450$ so far, even my friends are donating to the donations, I'm really great full to have met people who are so willing to help.

This is why you should never be mean to anyone because you never know when you might need that person/persons help, I'm nice to everyone in school, never talks about anyone because I love my piece, yes I have main/close friends but I am mostly friends with everyone in our middle school area, (6-8th in the middle school area).

I want to stay that way, but anyways I'm doing fine, lost a lot but gaining more, also happy I never disrespected any teachers because of that my Spanish teacher set up that donation account for us.

He knows I mostly get bad grades in that class, but because I'm respectful and try my best he always makes sure I'm ok and even suggested me to get a Certificate for doing something great, being on my best behavior and being nice to everyone.

I was really proud of myself because of that, but I'm happy to have wonderful people in my life.

I'm ok guys, make sure y'all stay ok too ok?

Always try to be nice before judging someone or teachers, because great things can come from great attitude.

Bye byeee❤️❤️

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now