Toy time(M)

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Jungwons POV

The visit to jays parents house was fun, but every since we got back jay had been working a lot more and also barely getting any days off.

I regret asking him to go now he works for hours, i have to go home alone, and i dont get any cuddle time unless hes already in bed with more or some minor cuddles at the office.

I sigh to myself.

I decided to text him, today i didnt have to do anything so i was home alone, something i dont like only because i hate not having him with me.


Daddy i miss you🥺


I miss you too baby, im sorry
I cant be there😔


When are you coming back


In about an hour or 2

Trying to at least, i miss u


Ok i hope so, dont work yourself
Too hard ill see u later
Love you❤❤😘


Love you too cutie😘💋

Well thats that.

What am i going to do in the next 2 hours.

I got bored and went to go grab one of his sweaters, it was a sky blue color with the darker bold words husband imprinted on it like the supreme shirt just different words snd colors.

I was just cleaning around the house when I encountered my new box of "toys" i bought when i was shopping.

I was kind of embarrassed buying them so i had jimin go up and pay for it, luckily she wasnt as embarrassed about it.

'Should I??, no no no nope', I told myself walking away from the box.

I looked back at it.

'Mmmmmmmm, this would be a good time to use them though right??, it'll probably never be used if i dont do it now', I thought to myself grabbing the box.

I went and sat on the bed with it, blush visibly spreaded across my face like makeup.

I opened the box and pulled out a dildo with a suction thing on the bottom of it.

"Maybe next time", i said putting it back.

Then i grabbed a vibrator.

"I think this is best for now", i said grabbing the oval shaped blue vibrator with the remote.

Jimin said jay was supposed to control the vibrations but no way in hell will i masterbate in front of him or ever let him find out about these toys.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now