Playing with Fire(M)

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This idea was by @loualorbestie hope you enjoy heee.

There will be little space in this episode, he will definitely not be in little space when they are having sex bc that's just disgusting

Jungwon's POV

I was currently bored, Jay was out with his siblings doing whatever, I was actually surprised he went with them.

He would be back soon and he hasn't been gone long so I'll be fine, I was currently cooking by the way.

Hades was chilling on his bed watching me while the other 2 were asleep in the room, "Would you like a piece of steak Hades?", I asked the cutie and his ears perked up eagerly.

I was making glass noodles, my own sauce for the noodles, steak,rice, gimbap, and Korean chicken.

I hand a cut piece of steak to hades and he ate it happily licking his lips, I rubbed his cute little head before waddling myself back into the kitchen.

Did I mention today was Valentine's Day?, oh I didn't, well that's one reason why I'm happy he's gone, I got to prepare his gifts and I'm cooking.

Jay is more of a clothes person so I bought him a watch he's had his eye on for a while, some of his favorite clothing brands and I'm cooking for him since he loves food.

When he does get home I'm sure the first thing he'll do is come and hug me or kiss me for a bit before greeting the pups and probably shower after.

That's what he usually does when he comes home.

He already told me happy Valentine's Day before he left, he has something for me also but he locked it away somewhere because he knows I'm a curious cat.

Time skip

I was finishing putting everything in the correct pots when I heard the front door click, "Welcome back", I said already knowing who it was, he chuckled before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek.

"Happy to be back, you cooked for your husband hmm", he said setting his head on my shoulder, "Of course I did", I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Awe you didn't have to", he said squeezing me more, "I know~", I said in a sing song voice, "I'm going to wash up before we eat so keep the food in the pots until then", he told me and I nodded.

"Just let me have a bite of steak first", he begged, "Mmmmmmmm should I", I teased, "Yes you should because you love me", he said kissing my neck to which I giggled to.

"Ok fine", I said, I grabbed the piece of cut meat out of the skillet and fed it to him, "Your cooking is amazing like always", he said kissing my cheek once more before walking into the hallway.

Since I was done cooking I walked back to the room with him, hades followed behind me, I got into the room and Jay was rubbing the pups, "I'm taking you out tomorrow for Valentine's Day, I know Valentine's is today but we're just going to be home today ok", he told me and I nodded, he smiled before walking over to me and kissed me on the lips sweetly.

I kissed back instantly, he pulled away and I whined seeing as he pulled away to early, "Baby we kiss all the time, I need to take a shower then I'll continue to shower you with love ok", he said kissing me once more before he went into the bathroom.

I saw him grab red clothes which means he's going to wear the couples outfit that matched with mine.

I saw him grab red clothes which means he's going to wear the couples outfit that matched with mine

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