The Date pt.2

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Btw guys, there at SeaWorld, I looked it up and it says you can take a picture or pet them there, but this is a god damn fanfic anyway so yea lmao

Jungwons POV

We entered the Penguins area and it was a bit cold.

"Here", he said give me the quilt.

"Thanks", I told him.

Jay grabbed my hand and lead the way.

"Hey Kyungsoo, cant believe you still work here", Jay said calling out to a man.

"Oh jayyy, my man, I haven't seen your ass in a bit, how's business", Kyungsoo asked.

"Its pretty good, how's the Penguins, oh does Hwasa still work as the manager here?" Jay asked the man.

Damn, every since I met jay it's like everyone he knows is beautiful.

"Hwasa, yes and shes still as savage as ever, so is jessi, they make it hard but at the same time fun to work with", he said chuckling.

"Seonghwa is still here helping me out with the Penguins also, hes in there somewhere, probably with the kids", he adds.

"And the Penguins are well", he said before looking at me.

"Oh my god hes adorable", he cooed at me.

Everyone I run into here keeps telling me that.

"I'm jungwon, your nice looking also", I said back smiling at him.

"Come on, I'll take you guys to the back", he told us.

"Do you want to touch a penguin today", he asked me.

"Yes please", I said happily, hopping while we followed him.

""Okay, today you'll be seeing a Macaroni Penguin, his name is sebastian, hes a friendly one, he loves being pet and fed food, if he really like you hell rub yo against your leg and softly squawk at you, Seonghwa is the trainer for them to do tricks hell be here in a but, I'll be right back", he explained.

I was basically hopping around a lot, I really like Penguins.

Suddenly I felt hands wrap around my waist.

"Try not to jump to much, for one, you might scare the bird, second your hoodie might lift up", he warns me about the hoodie for the millionth time.

I blushed.

I try to not do it but it's kinda hard, like I said I've never been to an aquarium before.

"Ok", I said back.

A few minutes later and 2 people came out with a penguin.

They sat him on the floor and he looked straight at me.

He walked up to me flapping his wings.

"He wants you to pet him", The guy with black hair said.

"Also I'm Seonghwa", he says smiling at me.

"I'm jungwon", I said back.

I bent down and rubbed his head.

"Ohhhhh my gosh your so softtt", I sqealed, rubbing his head as soft as I could.

He leaned into my touch and I basically melted.

Jay bended down on his knee next to me and let the penguin sniff him, the penguin squawked sofly, but it's still loud.

Jay touched the penguin also, the penguin seems to be more used to him, well jay has said he's gone to this place a lot.

"Sebastian really missed you, you left the poor bird without his friend", Kyungsoo says.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now