The release

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Jay's pov(finally)

After I told jungwon to go back to sleep he did, and so did I.

I felt bad for him, I didn't like that he was in a relationship with that guy in the first place.

As nice as this sweet boy is, I dont understand how you could insult or hurt him so much, its beyond me.

If he were mines, I would treat him right because that's what he deserves.

I know he must be feeling,tired, sad and embarrassed and that's ok, being in love with someone can be hard sometimes.

Sometimes you cant leave them, sometimes you can, sometimes you cant let go, sometimes you can.

In jungwons situation, I think he could let go, he just wasnt ready yet.

Time skip(middle of the night, 4:10am"

I woke up because I felt jungwon moving a lot.

I opened my eyes.

He was still sleep, but he changed his sleeping position, he was currently more so on top of me, but not completely.

If hes comfortable sleeping that way I'm fine.

I had to use the restroom though so I had to get him up, especially because hes on top of me.

So I shook him softly not to hurt him.

"Jungwon, I have to use the restroom", I told him once he started moving around.

"Nooo, I dont want to get up", he whined quietly.

"You can go back to sleep, when I come back from the bathroom, I'll set you back on top of me", I told him.

He rolled off me and I got up to use the restroom.

After I was done, i came back out and he was still up, sitting on the bed crisscrossed, looking at me like he was a puppy waiting for his owner to return home.

I thought it was cute.

"I told you to could go back to sleep", I said walking to the bed.

Before I even got to sit down, he grabbed me and pulled me down on the bed getting back on top of me.

He cuddles back into my chest and let's out a sigh.

He probably wants to use me as comfort, he probably does it because he knows I dont mind,I'll let him cling to me as long as he needs too and I use the right words when comforting someone.

"You could have waited you know", I said to him.

"No I'm fine", he said back.

"Are you still tired?", I asked him

"No, but I want to stay here for a while", he told me.

"That's fine with me", I told him.

"I know", he said back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddles him back.

"So, are you guys not going to be together after this?", I asked him.

"No, hes cheated on me multiple times anyway but its fine", he said lowly.

That really made me angry.

I sat up which caused him to slide down to my thighs.

I grabbed his chin so he'd look up at me, I was mad as hell but I didnt want to scare him so I said this in the calmest way possible.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now