The puppy sitters(JAKEHEEHOON)

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Words in bold or italics are thoughts

King of angst sorry

Charm is so squishy^ youngest

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Charm is so squishy^ youngest

Storm is actually a red Siberian husky lol I didn't know the name at first ^ sec oldest

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Storm is actually a red Siberian husky lol I didn't know the name at first ^ sec oldest

Storm is actually a red Siberian husky lol I didn't know the name at first ^ sec oldest

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Ma boi Hades^ oldest

Heesungs POV

I'm sooooooooooo sooooooooo bored right now, I'm sitting in the room with Jake and Sunghoon who somehow broke into my house while I was sleep and woke me up by scaring me acting like they were burglars.

"You know you guys actually did break and enter into my home without permission", I told them laying on the bed looking at the ceiling.

"First off we're your best friends, second you always have a new in the garden hidden under a flower, its not our fault you told us it was there", Jake says eating chips, MY CHIPS.

" I said that was for an emergency ", I told him rolling my eyes.

" Well it was one, we needed some snacks so we came to the store", Sunghoon said snatching the bag of chips from Jake who whined and complained.

"Does this look like a freaking store, I swear you guys are so stressful", I said putting my head under the covers in annoyance.

" Not our fault, your getting old ", Jake said laughing at his joke.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now