The Big Reveal pt.1

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Don't ever think we had the POV of Jay during jaywons sexual moments so here y'all go.

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"Hello Mr.Yang, It's Jay", I said as Jungwons father picked up the phone, "Oh Jay, how're you and my boy doing", He asked with a happy tone in his voice.

"Oh we're fine, just wanted to ask if you guys would like to come on a trip with us, like a family thing, my family will be there too", I told him.

"Oh yes where are we going", he asked as I heard him moving around on the other side, "Me and Jungwon was thinking about Paris, it's a nice place", I told him.

"Oh yea sure that's great, my wife will be happy to hear about this, when are we planning on leaving", he asked me.

"2 days from now, I already bought everyone tickets", I told him, he went silent for like 4 minutes.

"You there sir", I asked him, "Uh yea I I am, are you sure about that though?, that's a lot of money especially since your family is big", he told me and I chuckled.

"It's fine, I wanted to plan this trip", I told him and he sighs, "Alright I'll do what you want, thanks for the invite I'll be sure to be ready", he told me and we said our goodbyes.

"Have you contacted your parents and sibling yet", my cute little kitten asked me.

"Yes, they talked my ear off for an hour", I complained as I was playing with chewy who was enjoying the rubs and little plays.

The pups we're running around the house, "Calm down pups", Jungwon told them as they went pass him, they listened by sitting on the floor,storm bumped into charm who was in front.

And hades bumped into Storm, "Good boys", Jungwon told them as he gave them a piece of Steak.

Yes he was making steak, again, and yes, I was the one who begged him to.

"I'm making it into a beef bulgogi is that fine", Jungwon asked me, "Of course it is baby", I told him.

"Fuck", I said as I fell, "What happened", he asked turning towards me, "Hades jumped on me", I said as I rubbed the happy puppy.

The rest of them started joining in and attacking me with kisses while chewy just kept hopping on my stomach.

"Jungwon help", I told him and I heard him sigh, "Come here", he said to them and they all went over to him.

For some odd reason they listen to him more then me, I'm hurt.

I sat up against the couch as I watched him bend down to rub all of them, he looks so cute with that smile on his face.

I went over to him, he looked at me for a brief second before going back to the pups and chewy.

Once he was done with the little guys and they left to their room, I wrapped my arms around his waist out of habit and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Did you turn the stove off before dealing with the kids", I asked him and he nodded before pouting.

"What", I asked him, I knew what he wanted but it's always fun to make him say it himself, "Words", I told him.

"I want a real kiss", he told me with puppy like eyes, how could I resist that, I chuckled before grabbing his jaw and leaning down a bit to kiss him on the lips.

As usual his lips were sweet and soft, I kept the kissing going until I slid my tongue into his mouth.

Jungwon wrapped his arms around my neck deepening the kiss more, after that I started giving him soft kisses on his neck to which he giggled to.

My Boss| Book one of: Jaywon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now