ᴄʜᴀᴏs ʙᴇɢɪɴ's° ᭄💢 part 5

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= Warning =

- This book contain's blood, bullying, cursed word and murder stuff. So if you think this is offensive to a young reader or normal reader like you, please kindly leave

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Darryl rush to his classroom and to his suprised he saw Sunny and a pink haired guy in front of the board with Miss puffy.

Darryl - wait.. sis??

Puffy - hello Darryl.. your late..

Darryl - i.. am so sorry Miss puffy.. i was just..uhm.. got a new uniform..

Sunny - new uniform? what do you mean..

Darryl - i uhm.. i dirtied my uniform during lunch... b..but the club leader helped me get a new one!

Sunny - oh my goodness are you alright!!? *rush to hug Darryl*

Darryl - sis.. im fine.. please your squissing me..

Sunny - oh im so sorry.. *lets go*

Techno - *ahem* uhh Sunny? the announcement..

Sunny - oh right.. totally forgot.. little bro mind taking a sit.

Darryl - sure sis *smiles and goes to his sit*

Sunny - hello student's, as you know my name is Sunny and im the marcial art's club leader.. and well our dear president Mr, soot requested me to help him plan a upcoming field trip next 3 week's..

Everyone at class was excited and started chatting of how they will plan the upcoming fieled trip, Puffy saw her students get all noisy so he slam's her hand at her desk and glared at them.

Sunny - thank you Miss puffy, and here we have techno who will announce the date because.. im not good at memorizing plans.. hehe..

Techno - *sight* seriously.. alright student's, The field trip consider a nature trip which mean even thou it's a trip.. you will still be graded on how well you perform, failed to perform and you will have to cancell your plan on moving up.



Sunny - Mr, Ahmed.. that's why we are explaining it to you.. please continue Techno..

Techno - *cough* ok as i was saying.. even thou it is a graded fieled trip.. Sunny still requested that student's need to have fun because of the upcoming finals will be held on 3 months.. so take this opportunity to have fun but dont do anything stupid because we the marcial art's club have previlages to check on you and make sure you dont kill each other..

Sunny - wait really??? i dont wanna babysit!! well except for my little brother..

Techno - *sight* it was requested because Ven who is part of the student council.. asked us too.. so we literally have no choice, i mean i hate baby sitting a bunch of nerds here..

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