ʙᴏɴᴜs +2 ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʟɪғᴇ

650 26 87

Welp.. This is the final Chapter that ill be doing in Reverse yandere. I got to say many of you guy's have commented and msg me that you all enjoyed this book especially season 2.

I was happy knowing i can brighten all of your day, make you all smile and cheer you all up.

I am trully appriciated at your wonderfull msg to me^^

And sadly this is the final one of the chapter and i really really enjoy writting this too.

Thank you all so much for oncr again readint my cringy ass content and sticking with me as always my loyal viewers^^

Love you all and again their will he a vote on what book i should write next so stay tune! (ㆁωㆁ)

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Sunny and Darryl started hugging each other and crying knowing Darryl need's to leave for his honeymoon with Zak.

Darryl - I changed my mind!! I don't wanna leave sis!!

Sunny - cheer up little brother.. it will only take you two like.. 2 months.

Zak - she's right honey.. 

Darryl - b..but.. what about my future nephew and niece's!!

Erick - she's only 6 months pregnant Darryl, you will come back after 2 months just in time.

Ven - I still can't believe Sunny managed to hide it for 7 months!! and never told us!!

Sunny - not true!! I told Maya, Puffy and Hannah! 

Puffy - yep, Sunny wanted to keep it a surprise for Erick's 25th birthday that is next month.

Hannah - But sadly.. some small bitch was nervous at his wedding day so Sunny just had to spill the beans..


All of them just started laughing how funny that all was then Nick and Clay both Zak wished them all goodluck at the honeymoon.

While Alex was crying and threatening Zak to go easy on Darryl at his wedding night. The two immediately blushed so much and that made Sunny blink maniacly and just realize that.

Sunny grabs Zak and giving him a murdering look that made Zak wanna move into Hawaii instead staying for 2 months.

Sunny - Dont touch my baby brother.. you stupid diamond hoe...

Zak - y..yes s..sis..

Erick - now Honey, go easy on him.. he just peed his pants.

Sunny - tsk.. fine.. *lets go*

Karl and George went to hug Darryl and with that the two newly wed went to the private jet that Zak owns and the two were off to hawaii leaving their friends for 2 months and just started to honeymoon.

Zak and Darryl went to sit down and one Flight attendant started pouring champagne in their drinks. The twl click their wine bottles and started drinking then Zak suddenly smirks.

Zak put his wine bottle down and holds Darryl's chin, Darryl started blushing then he asked what he was doing but Zak didn't have any response, he just went in and grabbed  Darryl, placing him on his lap.

Zak started holding Darryl tight and he started passionately kissing Darryl. Zak was making sure Darryl's lip was untouched then Zak licks the bottom lip of Darryl asking for an entrance.

Darryl was blushing and said nothing but just nodded, Zak smirk and started sticking his tongue inside exploring every inch at Darryl's mouth making sure nothing is left untouched.

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